Teaching Ancient Egypt, Yale University

Date: April 18, 2009 - April 19, 2009

Location: Peabody Museum, Yale University, New Haven
Contact Hours: 10
Cutoff Date: March 19, 2009
Cost: $95 (includes one lunch)
Click here for registration form

Spend a weekend immersed in the joy of learning about ancient Egypt. See the objects, hear from the scholars, experience mummification [well, not quite]. Participants will learn the core values of the ancient Egyptian cultural construct, its interactions with the surrounding world especially Nubia, and how it communicated. Classroom activities, the role of women, and the opportunity to share with your colleagues combine to make this an educational, informative, and enjoyable weekend on the Yale campus.

Saturday 9:00-5:15
9:00 Welcome and Program Overview, Peter Feinman, IHARE
9:30 Teaching Egypt Workshop, Peter Feinman
An introduction to the basic vocabulary, concepts, and themes that define the ancient Egyptian civilization. This information will serve to provide a basis for the more content-oriented presentations to follow.

10:45 The Origin of the Egyptian State, Marc Leblanc, Yale University
11:15 Hieroglyphs: the Words of the Gods, Julia Hsieh, Yale University
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Women in Ancient Egypt, Colleen Manassa, Yale University

2:00 The Mummy Road Show, Ron Beckett and Jerry Conlogue, Quinnipiac University, co-hosts of the National Geographic Channel’s show. Come see them demonstrate their equipment and share a few of their favorite tales from around the world about unlocking the secret language of mummies through scientific study.

3:15 Ancient Egyptian Temples, Lauren Lippiello, Yale University
3:45 Egypt and Nubia in Ancient Times, Tasha Dobbin, Yale University
4:15 Egypt and Nubia in the Age of Cleopatra, Alicia Cunningham-Bryant, Yale University
4:45 Flesh of the Gods: Gold in Ancient Egypt, Marina Brown, Yale University
5:15 Campus Tour (optional)

Sunday 9:00-12:00
9:00 Egyptian Wing: Peabody Museum Tour, Colleen Manassa
10:00 Teaching Egypt Workshop II: Peter Feinman
11:00 Wrap-up
Using this information in the classroom
Where do we go from here: future programs
Professional Development Certificate distribution

For further information contact IHARE at 914-939-9071 or email us at: contact@ihare.org