Why should someone vote for Kamala Harris (to be followed by “Why Should Vote for Donald Trump)?
The main reasons are:
1. She is a Democrat.
2. She is a woman.
3. She is Black.
4. She is South Asian.
5. Her abortion position.
6. She is not Trump.
7. Joy.
Why one should not vote for Harris:
1. She is a Democrat.
2. She is a woman.
3. She is Black.
4. She is South Asian.
5. Her abortion position.
6. She is not Trump.
7. Joy.
All the reasons for voting for her also can be used to explain why one should not vote for her.
Notice what is missing from these lists:
New Deal
New Frontier
Great Society
Morning in America
“It’s the economy, stupid.”
Make America Great Again
What phrase would you use to encapsulate the Harris message … or for that matter, the Biden message. Bidenomics?
Everyone knows the MAGA mantra. You can even purchase it on various paraphernalia. By contrast, no phrase or logo comes to mind on behalf of Harris. With but two days to go, there is no chance that there will be one. One has to wonder why even given such supposedly short campaign season and the tons of money from creative type people, nothing has emerged as a defining phrase. “White Dudes for Harris” comes the closet to a catchy phrase that can be on t-shirts, hats, and other items, but obviously is has a very restricted audience. It also suggests that white dudes for Harris represents a minority position as based on all the polls, the majority of white dudes are for Trump.
Given the above, one can witness the Democratic quandary. According to the received wisdom at the dawn of the current century, a demographic tidal wave was supposed to sweep Democrats into power for the foreseeable future. The vaunted “people of color” would propel Democrats to electoral victory.
Obviously that is not what has happened as even the most vigorous proponents of this doctrine now realize and openly admit. “People of color” turns out to be one of the Woke Industrial Complex phrases of limited value in the real world. True, Woke cable TV announcers and their guests, at least on some networks, love to bandy about the phrase as if it has substance on Earth 1 while MAGAs live on Earth 2. The fear of the loss of power by racist white dudes to people of color supposedly will provide the margin of victory for the Black/South Asian female candidate.
And they blithely keep saying this despite the close margin in the polls suggesting otherwise. The slight differences in the polls a mere two days before the general election suggests there is more going on than the Democrats are prepared to admit.
Perhaps the best way to think of these people of color is to recognize their compatibility with the traditional white flyover people. These are the people the coastal elites in academia, business, and government ignore as they make their decisions about what is best for the country. Of course, what is best for them is that they remain in power and reap the goodies.
Immigrants to this country frequently share the same pitfalls that have befallen the white dudes already in the country. The elitists who take their support for granted are gradually learning the folly of such a delusion. Outside the United States, people of color is a term of no meaning. On a more peaceful note simply think of the rivalries in the World Cup. By comparison our sports rivalries are tame. Then keep in mind that sometimes these rivalries spill over into violence.
People of color also is a racist term that defines people in absolute categories based on some supposed color that can’t even be identified. Is every person of color from a third world country united as one based on American Woke classification values? Are the people from a single country also from a single race? Do other countries have multiple races and ethnicities? Do all these often bloody and violent differences from the home country suddenly vanish when they arrive in the United States into one big people of color race?
Actually, they can. They can because these immigrants of color want to be Americans. They don’t want to be told that their new country was born in sin or maybe two sins. They don’t want to see the founders of their new country be toppled. They want to wave the American flag in pride because now they are part of We the People. The naturalization ceremony is one of deeply felt emotions shared with family as they celebrate their becoming American. The Ellis Island dream still lives even though the actual island is a tourist site and the countries of the arriving people has changed.
In short, the Democratic Party has missed the boat.
For that matter, these people of color often have what is characterized as traditional family values. They are not Woke. They do not self-identify using woke terms. Not so much for the people who are pontificating on cable news or charting the school curriculum who love to banter about these woke terms as if they have substantive value outside their self-contained bubble. People of color are some of the biggest advocates of charter schools and they do not want to defund the police.
Finally, it turns out that American sports-watching male people of color like strong male leaders. Even though bone-spear boy is faking it, the image of him as a strong leader resonates with males of all races. Just look at the music lists of the two candidates and try to guess which one is from the male candidate and which is from the female candidate. Which is the one more selections played at male sports events.
If the Republicans had nominated an adult without the criminal record, bigotry, incompetence, and immaturity of the actual nominee, the Democrats would be in serious trouble right now and not simply hoping to eke a victory out.