The current presidential election cycle has been and continues to be an unusual one for many reasons. Both debates have been memorable. In the first debate, one candidate lost so badly he ended up withdrawing from the race. In the second debate, one candidate also lost but instead of acknowledging his humiliation, he claimed victory, […]
Neither Woke nor MAGA: Stardate Zero, Join the Journey
There is much that needs to be done And even more that we can do. We may fail; we have no guarantee of success But a destiny awaits that only We the People can fulfill. For as this vibrant ball of blue sails the celestial void, We stand on the shoulders of the giants of […]
Republicans Declare War on Friday Night Lights
Friday Night Lights has been the topic in multiple blogs. Its story transcends high school to encompass the entire community in small town America. It joins with other stories like Remember the Titans and Hidden Figures among others to showcase the social fabric of the communities that make up the country. These stories stress family, […]
Albright Should Have Attended Penn
This blog is the third in a series of four on the position of William Foxwell Albright as the dean of American Biblical archaeology. The current issue of NEA includes the article “Dawn and Descent: Social Network Analysis and the ASOR Family Trees” by Diane Harris Cline, Eric H. Cline, and Rachel Hallote (NEA 87:2 […]
The two presidential campaigns in 2024 have two different ways of communicating. One has used a heretofore unused form of communication taking advantage of changed technologies since COVID. The other employs the same venue he used in prior presidential elections. PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL WRESTLING ARENA For Trump, the standard mode of communication continues to be the […]
American Revolution 250th: Can Bush and Obama Save It?
There has been big news on the American Revolution 250 front. Two former Presidents and First Ladies were named honorary co-chairs on August 1, 2024. Before turning to that event, let’s put that announcement in perspective starting with a blog in 2020. The American Revolution 250th and Joe Biden: An Historic Opportunity November 6, 2020 […]
Joe Biden: We Are a City on a Hill and the Eyes of the World Are Upon Us
Vladimir Putin agreed to step down before he reaches the age of 80. Xi Jinping agreed to step down before he reaches the age of 80. All African strongmen agreed to step down before they reach the age of 90. All African strongmen agreed to step down before they reach the age of 80. All […]
Teaching the Bible in Public Schools (Continued): ASOR, BAS, SBL
Sometimes American history, the biblical, and politics overlap. I try to maintain separate distribution lists and not mix-up my blogs. But at times the real world prevents that. On July 9, 2024, the American Historical Association has issued a statement condemning the recent order from the Oklahoma State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters on […]
Albright and Delitzsch: Their Pre-Academic Relationship
The ASOR Family Tree: William Foxwell Albright :An Elaboration on “Dawn and Descent: Social Network Analysis and the ASOR Family Trees” The current issue of NEA includes the article “Dawn and Descent: Social Network Analysis and the ASOR Family Trees” by Diane Harris Cline, Eric H. Cline, and Rachel Hallote (NEA 87:2 2024:122-131). The article […]
American Revolution 250th Update
Are you counting the days? Actually, the American Revolution 250th is already here. 1774 was the year of the First Continental Congress. It was a time when colonists began to take sides for the record as rebel or loyalist. Families would be divided. Neighbor would be against neighbor. The war was underway except for the […]