America in Iraq: An Archaeological Perspective Yale Babylonian Collection Centennial Celebration

Date: November 14, 2009 - November 15, 2009

Location: Yale University, New Haven
Cutoff Date: November 9, 2009
Cost: $95
Click here for registration form

Join the Yale University Centennial Celebration of its Babylonian Collection with additional presentations from IHARE in art, film, music, texts and history. Learn about the origins of archaeology in what became Iraq in the 20th century, the fundamental concepts of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures, and the efforts underway to preserve the city of Babylon. In addition to the presentations by the Yale faculty, participants also will hear from the World Monuments Fund and the archaeological experiences of an American soldier stationed in Iraq.

Peabody Museum [location of the Egypt program last April]
9:00 Welcome and program overview: Peter Feinman, IHARE
9:15 Archaeology in Iraq, 1840-1909: Peter Feinman
10:30 Archaeology in Iraq, A Soldier’s Experience: Darrell Pinckney, DCP Artifact Preservation, Cleaning, Stabilization & Consolidation
11:30 Teaching Mesopotamia I: Peter Feinman
This session will introduce the names and time periods likely to be mentioned in the afternoon presentations.
12:30 Lunch

Linsley-Chittenden Hall, Room 101
1:30 Yale and the Babylonians, 1909: Benjamin Foster, Yale University
2:00 They Wrote Against Clay: Panbabylonianism: Steven W. Holloway, American Theological Library Association
2:45 Sherlock Holmes in the Yale Babylonian Collection: Marc Van de Mieroop, Columbia University
4:00 Babylon and Hollywood: Karen Polinger Foster, Yale University
4:15 The Fall of Babylon: scenes from Intolerance by F.W. Griffith (1916)

Sterling Memorial Library
5:30 Exhibition tours of “Treasures of the Yale Babylonian Collection” and “From Nineveh to New Haven”
6:30 Dinner: on own
8:00 From the Euphrates to the Nile concert, Saybrook College Orchestra, Battell Chapel
Music and Mesopotamia

Sunday: Peabody Museum
9:00 Teaching Mesopotamia II: Peter Feinman
10:15 Babylon Today, Saving a City: Lisa Ackerman, Executive Vice President, World Monuments Fund
11:00 The Baghdad Museum: A State Department Visit: Catherine, Peabody Museum
12:00 Wrap Up: Peter Feinman

Reservations have been made at the Super8 in West Haven for $58.49/night plus tax for a double, the same as for the Egypt program last spring.

To register, make check payable to IHARE and mail to:

PO Box 41
Purchase, NY 10577

For further information contact IHARE at 914-939-9071 or email us at: