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More Urgent American Revolution 250th Update: The Clock is Ticking

Even as colleges are in turmoil from coast to coast, the 250th anniversary of the birth of this country looms closer and closer. Whether or not we will be one country as we exist now remains a debatable question. Whether or not We the People will want to celebrate the birthday remains problematical … at […]

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The American Revolution 250th Update

Can you feel the excitement mounting? We keep getting closer and closer to the 250th anniversary of the birth of the United States. The anticipation rises. What a glorious day that will be on July 4, 2026. If only we can get past the upcoming presidential election and have a country as we know it […]

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John Eastman, Jack Smith, and Amendment 14 Section 3

The father of the fake electors had the riot act read to him by the legal system. He was found guilty, that is, a recommendation was made, that the author of the fake electors scheme be stripped of his law license. In a mere 128-pages, the judge ruled that Eastman had violated the rules of […]

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Senate to Bar Insurrectionists under 14th Amendment Section 3

Beware the law of unintended consequences. One only has think of the developments since the Supreme Court nullified Roe v. Wade (The Law of Unintended Consequences: From Abortion to Voter Suppression, December 5, 2021). It is highly unlikely that the Supreme Court anticipated all the political ramifications which have occurred since its decision yet alone […]

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Historians Tackle the 14th Amendment Section 3 and Fail: How Come?

History is in the news. It is not simply an ivory tower study for academicians. Instead it is front and center in the news today. We are in the first year of the 250th anniversary of America’s first civil war. Actions from the second civil war are being used to fight the third civil war. […]

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Presidents Are Not Above the Law: Our Lord and Savior Is

Besides slavery, another way the Civil War has become part of the current political discourse is with the figure of Abraham Lincoln. In the Union, he is a revered figure. His Memorial at the nation’s capital has been the site of political gatherings, most famously the “I Have a Dream” march with Martin Luther King. […]

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Did the Confederates Win the War of Northern Aggression?

America’s second Civil War has been in the news as of late. Even as we begin the celebration of the 250th anniversary of America’s first Civil War as part of the American Revolution and fight the third Civil War right now in the presidential election, the second Civil War remains a flashpoint in American political […]

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