Finally. Finally. Finally. After years of talk about the civil war in the United States, it has now officially arrived. The events about to unfold in the trials of Trump and the 2024 election will determine what kind of America will exist when we celebrate the 250th birthday of the country on July 4, 2026. […]
State of American History, Civics, and Politics
Dolls: Barbie and Ibram X. Kendi
Barbie is having a moment. Barbemania is sweeping the country. Barbie is boffo at the box office. Barbie is an economic juggernaut. Pink is in. Women who love their Barbies are out of the closet. A leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2028 is a self-proclaimed Barbophile. Who would have thunk it? Certainly […]
Is Gerrymandering the New Three-Fifths Compromise?: The Alabama Story
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past” (William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun). The latest escapade over voting in the Confederacy would seem to bear that out. At any moment one imagines George Wallace rising out of the mist from the world beyond to take charge of the Alabama state legislature. Since the […]
We Are Still Here: Negroes and Indians
Negro and Indian are not slur words … unless you want them to be. Negro and Indian are not derogatory words … unless you want them to be. Negro and Indian are not terms of insult … unless you want them to be. We determine not only what words mean but their subjective value. Terminology […]
Swamp Builder, Slave Catcher, Felon: A Day in the Life of Donald Trump
Is your head spinning? Mine is. Hard to keep up with all that is going on. News items that would generate attention fall by the wayside as newer news pops up. Sometimes even while waiting for a magical hour when a decision is going to be made about one thing, one finds one’s self overwhelmed […]
Defund MAGA Congressional Districts
Democrats bring a plastic spoon to a gun fight and wonder why they lose. Republicans in general and MAGAs specifically are always in the attack mode. They are constantly advancing on all fronts legally and politically while Democrats are always in a defensive and reactive crouch clinging to the hope that some court will bail […]
What Is Our Ceremony of Belonging?
What is our ceremony of belonging? As Americans. I am not referring to a ceremony of belonging to a particular religion. Nor am I referring to an initiation ritual into a fraternity or sorority or some other social organization. Nor as part of an Indian nation. Rather I am referring to an initiation ritual as […]
Should America’s Allies Be Held to Woke Standards?
A previously below-the-radar person recently made the news when his statue was removed. The headline on the front page of the Arts section of The New York Times (June 26 print) was: “In Albany a Statue Comes Down: The bronze of Philip Schuyler, a Colonial-era patriarch who owned slaves was removed.” The almost full page […]
August 13, 2021 to August 14, 2023: Mike Lindell to Jack Smith
AUGUST 13, 2021 It seems like only yesterday when Pillowhead was championing August 13, 2021, as the day when the real President of the United States would return to the White House and resume his position as the rightful POTUS. He never got around to explaining exactly how this restoration would occur. Séance Sidney was […]
Beautiful Mind Classified Boxes, Linus Blanket, and Stuffed Animals
One might think that the arraignment of an ex-President of the United States for the first time in American history would be a day of metaphorical fireworks if not actual violence. Instead the day was routine, not wild. If one did not know that something historically momentous was occurring one would not know it from […]