Contact Hours: 15
Cost:$125 (two lunches and one dinner included)
Cutoff Date: May 7
Click here for registration form
Explore the historic sites of the Oswego area. Participants will meet the curators, tour the sites, and walk the streets of historic Oswego in a program covering the time from the French and Indian War to the present. Share ideas with fellow and teachers and with the curators about how the historic resources of the community can be used in the classroom setting. Curriculum materials included.
Saturday Fort Ontario, Safe Haven, Rudy’s Stand (9:00-7:30/8:00)
9:00 Welcome and Introduction (underground stone artillery casemate)
9:15 Fort Ontario and the French and Indian War
10:15 Guided Tour I
11:15 Fort Ontario and the American Revolution
12:15 Lunch: outdoors weather permitting (tents and tables) or go to town
1:15 Guided Tour II with cannon firing and muskets
2:15 Fort Ontario and the War of 1812
3:30 Safe Haven Museum and Education Center: Tour and Curriculum Workshop
6:00 Dinner at Rudy’s Stand
7:00 Rosemary Nesbitt, Storyteller
Sunday (9:00-3:00)
9:00 Fox Hollow Farms horse drawn trolley Oswego Walking Tour: John Gosek
10:30 Richardson-Bates House Tour: Terry Prior
Local History and Education: Patricia Michel, SUNY Osewgo
Young History Club
12:30 Lunch
1:30 Marine Museum including Fort Ontario paintings by George Gray: Mercedes Niess
3:00 Oswego Maritime Foundation
3:30 Program Wrap Up
For further information contact IHARE at 914-939-9071 or email us at: