Location: Tappan to Newburgh
Contact Hours: 45
Cost: $245 (includes 3 dinners)
Cutoff Date: May 28
Click here for registration form
Experience the American Revolution in the Hudson Valley. See the forts, understand the strategy, hear the experts both British and American, see the exhibits, cruise the river. Bring back to the classroom your new understanding of and curriculum material about an often-overlooked critical facet of the American Revolution.
Tuesday, June 26, West Point, 9:00am – 9:00pm
- The American Revolution: A British Perspective – Ray Raymond (SUNY)
- The American Revolution: An American Perspective – Jason Palmer (West Point)
- Walking and Bus Tour to Trophy Point and Fort Putnam Primary Source
- Documents: Using the Pension Records – Bill Sullivan (High School Teacher)
- Teaching the American Revolution: The West Point Resources – Jason Palmer
- Out of the Shadows: African American Warriors in the Revolutionary War
- Theatre of the Hudson River Valley – A. J. Williams-Meyers, SUNY
Wednesday June 27, 9:00am – 8:30pm
- 9:00 Tappan: “The Capture on Andre”, Guided Walk and Washington’s
Headquarters Tour
- 12:00 The Old 76 House (lunch)
- 1:30 Stony Point, Fort Clinton, and Fort Montgomery: Guided Tours
- 7:30 Arnold and Andre: American and British Perspectives – Ray Raymond
Thursday June 28, 9:00am – 8:00pm
- 9:00 West Point Military Museum
- 1:00 Constitution Island
- 5:00 An Object of Great Importance: The Hudson River During the
American War for Independence: Chris Dipasquale, Middle School Teacher and Author
- 7:00 The Mystery of Sybil Ludington: A Primary Source Detective Story
– Vin Dacquino
Friday June 29 Newburgh, 9:00am – 6:00pm
- 9:00 Knox’s Headquarters Tour and the Edmonston House
- 10:30 New Windsor Cantonment Tour
- 1:30 Washington’s Headquarters: House and Museum Tours, Curriculum Activities
- George Washington: The Right General at the Right Time – Ray Raymond
Saturday June 30, 8:30am – 4:00pm
- 8:30 Mount Gulian: House and Grounds tours, school programs
- 10:30 Anglo-American Articles of Agreement: Celebrating the 225th Anniversary, Ray Raymond
- 12:00 Mount Beacon Incline
- 12:45 Hudson River Cruise with lunch
- 3:15 Program wrap-up
Schedule subject to change
For further information contact IHARE at 914-939-9071 or email us at: contact@ihare.org