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American History Literacy in a Time of Historic Change

Recently the subject of history literacy was raised. I don’t recall the exact circumstances or by whom. Every day I delayed in posting this blog, it seems as if another moment in history had occurred. Thinking about these historic times was the impetus for a need to organize my thoughts and not approach everything piecemeal. […]

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Create National Organization of Assistance and Help

Sometimes ad hoc is sufficient; sometimes it is not. Fighting fires always has been more than a one-person task. It has been a community task where all the able adults from far and wide came to pitch in to quench the raging inferno of a farm or home of a friend and neighbor. Eventually more […]

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Trump’s Riviera versus Gaza’s Riviera: River to the Sea

From out of nowhere our President has wreaked havoc in the Middle East with his suggestion to create a Riviera on the Mediterranean without the people who live there now. This suggestion from Earth 2 is so off-the-wall he neglected to even to mention it to anyone before springing it upon an unsuspecting world. At […]

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R.I.P. Party of Lincoln (1856-2016)

On Mar 15, 2016, at 4:22 PM, State Senator George Latimer wrote this comment in response to this blog: Brilliant, Peter George On February 11, 2025, now Congressman, George Latimer, sent me this email along with the post from March 12, 2016. Even more relevant today than when you wrote this nine years ago. George […]

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Election Post-Mortem 2: The Melting Pot vs. The Woke Industrial Complex

The Melting Pot is a play by Israel Zangwill, first staged in 1908. The actual story line as well as the author have been lost to history save for those who have a deep interest in the subject. The term “melting pot” went on to have national significance in the American culture. Lately it has […]

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Election Postmortem #1: Where’s the Civil War?

This post in the first in a series of posts analyzing the results of the 2024 Presidential Election. I am starting with something that as of November 8, 2024, does not appear to have happened. To the best of knowledge there is no civil war at this time. In fact the country seems remarkably peaceful […]

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Why Vote for Donald Trump?

“Teaching, Anti-bullying Policies and Trump” was an op-ed piece in the Sunday paper in Westchester by Tony Monchinski, a local high school teacher. He states: … the biggest issue I have with my fellow Queens native is that he’s a bully. I have always located him in middle school as a seventh-grade-smart-aleck-dumb-aleck. Think of the […]

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Why Should Someone Vote for Kamala Harris?

Why should someone vote for Kamala Harris (to be followed by “Why Should Vote for Donald Trump)? The main reasons are: 1. She is a Democrat. 2. She is a woman. 3. She is Black. 4. She is South Asian. 5. Her abortion position. 6. She is not Trump. 7. Joy. Why one should not […]

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Why Isn’t Harris Running Away with This?

“Why Isn’t Harris Running Away with This?” is the provocative title of an op-ed piece by David Brooks (NYT, October 18, 2024, print). He wonders why the polls are so immobile. He notes the lack of a strategy by either political party to broaden its electoral reach. Deadlock is the new normal. He suggests that […]

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Field of Dreams: Sometimes Myth and Reality Coincide

Ray, people will come, Ray. They’ll come to Iowa for reasons they can’t even fathom. They’ll turn up your driveway, not knowing for sure why they’re doing it. They’ll arrive at your door as innocent as children, longing for the past. “Of course, we won’t mind if you look around,” you’ll say. “It’s only twenty […]

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