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Cranes for Ukraine: Build It Back Better

There is no light at the end of the tunnel yet. But there is a growing sense that there may be an end to the tunnel. Russia is not going to conquer the entire country of Ukraine. Russia is not going to occupy the entire country of Ukraine. Russian soldiers are not even going to […]

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Putin Isn’t the Only Loser: Trump and the Woke Are Too

If everything had gone according to the plan in Putin’s mind, he would be a big winner by now. His powerful and fearsome Russian military would have strolled into the fake country of Ukraine to reunite these Slavic brothers and sisters into the great and glorious Russian empire worthy of Peter the Great. The only […]

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Should the United States Join the War against the Nazis?

Should the United States join the current war against the Nazis being waged by Russia? During World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies in the successful war against Nazi Germany. These allies were not friends and lived very different ways of life. Following the shared victory, a rather decisive line […]

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Will the Ukrainian Rope-a-Dope Work?

We are a storytelling species. Since a picture is worth a thousand words and a meme can move political mountains, people have been trying out various words to depict the current invasion by Russia of the Ukraine. DAVID and GOLIATH – By far the most frequent symbol used to describe the war has been the […]

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The Plot against America: It’s not a Novel

Once upon a time, Charles Lindbergh was a famous person in the United States. In fact he was famous multiple times and for different reasons. He was heroically famous for being the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. He was tragically famous for the kidnapping of his child. He was politically famous […]

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The State of the Putin Union: The Dr. Strangelove Scenario

When you are in a hole, stop digging. This well-known adage applies at the global level as well as in one’s personal life. But there is another point of view. If I had a dollar for every time a commentator these passed two days said that Putin was going to double down, I could retire […]

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Putin’s COVID War: Facing His Mortality

Why now? Why invade the Ukraine now? The previous post (Putin’s Last Rodeo: It’s Now or Never) explored his rationale for the invasion, such as there is one. The issue here is why did Putin choose this particular moment to act on that rationale no matter how farfetched and delusional it may appear to be? […]

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Putin’s Last Rodeo: It’s Now or Never

Vladimir Putin is 68 years old. He is closer to the end of his reign in Russia than to his beginning. He has ruled Russia this entire century. He has ruled Russia this entire millennium. What does he have to show for his rule in history? One area of agreement in the effort to predict […]

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January 6, 2025: Suppose Biden Loses?

Civil war talk is in the air. It is in books. It is in articles. It is on talk shows. Whole cable show series may be dedicated to the prospect of the new American Civil War. In fact, the question seems to have moved from being a debating point to being a fait accompli. On […]

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Kevin McCarthy and the Anti-VAXXer Who Gets COVID

People who make non-medical decisions to not be vaccinated do so for many reasons. Some reasons may be legitimate from a fear of needles to a fear that the vaccine was rushed. Some may even be theological-based. There is also a longstanding American tradition of people who do not like being told what to do […]

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