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Ameristan: Did He Bring the War Home?

America’s Third Civil War is not a new topic. Typically, people have spoken a “culture wars” which sounds less violent than “civil war.” But underneath the more refined talk of a difference in culture or values was the threat of violence. That violence spilled out into the open on January 6, 2021. Now people are […]

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Seven Days in January: Impeached Again

It was only 10 days ago when I wrote a blog on Seven Days in January: This Time It Is Not a Movie. Little did I know what would happen just four days later on January 6 or what would happen afterwards. Now seven days later history will be made with the second impeachment of […]

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January 6, 2021: Blacks, Jews, and the American Dream

January 6, 2021 may join December 7 and 9/11 as dates that will live in infamy in American history. Right now it is too early to tell. Many Americans already don’t know those earlier dates anyway. So far January 6 is like the other two in that it was a one-time attack on America. That […]

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Captain Queeg and the Republican Party: Is the Party Iraq?

Whither the Republican Party? To some extent merely to ask that question implies that a Republican Party still exists. It is important to keep in mind that the Republican Party had ceased to be the party of Lincoln even before the 2016 elections [R.I.P. Party of Lincoln (1856-2016) March 12, 2016]. While individual admirers of […]

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Mike Pence: De Facto President?

Mike Pence’s moment in history has arrived. These times will define him for life. When he is standing in judgement before St. Peter the question he will be asked is what did he do when the President of the United States of America incited a coup to remain in power. Up until now, Pence hardly […]

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Where Will Mitt Romney Caucus in 2021?

The title of my blog last February 17, 2020, was “Where Will Mitt Romney Caucus in 2021?” Now we are almost one year later and the time has come to revisit the question. Please note, I am not suggesting Romney could leave the Republican Party either to be an Independent yet alone a Democrat. I […]

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Seven Days in January: This Time It Is Not a Movie

Back in the 1960s when times were simpler, political thrillers were the rage. Two (fiction) books raised the topic of the end of the United States as we know it. These books were not about nuclear destruction like Failsafe and Dr. Strangelove, but were about homegrown threats: Americans acting to overthrow the government as Americans. […]

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Insanity: From the White House to the San Francisco School System

Insanity stalks the land. From sea to shining sea, America is experiencing insanity from those who teach our young to those who guide the ship of state. While one school system launches a microagression on the history of the country, a President leads an assault on democracy. The country is paying a price for the […]

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White House Down: There Is No Republican Profile in Courage

“White House Down” is a movie about a physical assault on America. “Tantrum Trump” is about a political and social media assault on America that could become a physical assault on January 6, 2021. “White House Down” had people who rose to the occasion and became heroes. “Tantrum Trump” has no profiles in courage, no […]

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