Donald Trump is not considered to be a religious person. He did, however attend church when he was growing up. First he attended a local church in Queens, First Presbyterian Church. Later he attended the more famous Marble Collegiate Church, on Fifth Avenue, where Norman Vincent Peale was the minister. According to legend, Trump met […]
State of American History, Civics, and Politics
Would Jim Jordan Rather Be Institutionalized in Congress or Prison?
Play time is over. It was a lot of fun defying Congressional subpoenas, investigating the Biden criminal conspiracy, and appearing on Foxhub to spout nonsense. But now the party is over. The time of adult supervision has arrived. There really is law and people who are dedicated to enforcing it. That means the moment of […]
Xi Has a Deadline Too
Timing is everything … or is it location, location, location? For the House Select Committee, the deadline was fairly clear. It knew it had to conclude prior to the pro-January 6 party taking control of the chamber. Similarly, on the federal level, the Special Prosecutor knows he has a deadline of the presidential season and, […]
CNN New Hampshire and January 6, 2025
CNN has taken a lot of flack for providing free airtime to a person incapable of telling the truth except by accident. The ratings were not spectacular and there is no indication that this will be a repeat of 2016. In many ways, CNN did the nation a favor. Think back to the trial which […]
Are Abortion Bans Cruel and Unusual Punishment?
The Supreme Court has decided the there is no constitutional right to abortion. The matter therefore has devolved to the states to pass or not to pass laws as they see fit. A corollary to that ruling is whether or not the Eight Amendment banning cruel and unusual punishment applies to the states as well. […]
Jim Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Donald Trump: Knowing When to Leave the Stage
When do you leave the stage? Do you have to die first? I thought about this because of three people who were in the NYT on May 20, 2023, print. Hall of Famer Jim Brown who had died (front page) Senator Dianne Feinstein who is deteriorating before our very eyes (front page) Former President Donald […]
The Right and Obligation to Play Russian Roulette
Why did We the People rebel against the rule by England? People have offered various explanations. Some are very idealistic. Some are more critical. Recent events have caused me to realize there may be another reason that has been overlooked so far: the right and obligation of Americans to play Russian roulette with their own […]
Will Tucker Carlson Become Michael Cohen?
Will Tucker Carlson become Michael Cohen? Right now commentators comment on the options Carlson has for his future. Some of the suggestions may be taken as tongue in cheek: no, he will not work for RT … although he could become a reporter for them! The problem then would not be disseminating his message in […]
To Win in Ukraine, Think Outside the Box
To win the war in Ukraine, the United States needs to think outside the box. Whether or not it can remains to be seen. At this point, the war is not front page news. The daily battles seem like more of the same and not anything new. Maybe if the Russian Air Force entered the […]
Putin, Passover, and Ramses II
The war in Ukraine is Putin’s war. It will end the same way it started – when he decides he wants it to end … or when he is no longer capable of fighting it. To ask him to voluntarily cease fighting in Ukraine is the equivalent of asking him to give up his dreams […]