Murderers’ Row was the name for the New York Yankees in the 1920s. It was the decade dominated by the baseball team even more than the way THE DONALD dominated Lafayette Square. It was the time when Babe Ruth was at his prime and transforming the game. He led a team of all stars, some of whom, like Lou Gehrig, joined him in the baseball Hall of Fame at Cooperstown.
A decade later, Murder, Inc. came to the fore. It was an organized crime group in the 1930s and into the 1940s. Murder, Inc. was centered in New York but was not limited to it. The members were acted as an enforcement arm of the mainly Italian and Jewish mobs.
The Memorial Wall at the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters is dedicated to the CIA agents who died in the line of service, meaning they often were murdered in a targeted kill by others. We know now thanks to our Commander in-chief that these people were losers. They were suckers. We should never admire someone who was captured by others from Nathan Hale to John McCain to Jesus Christ. When Bonespur Boy made his comment, we had the opportunity to see in his flippancy the simplemindedness of the seventh-grade-smart-aleck-dumb-aleck. He lacks the mental necessities and cognitive skills to think through what he impulsively blurts out. This comment is one of the ones that will define his presidency as “Four score and seven years ago” defines another one.
When Marked Down was appointed Chief of Staff, I was very happy. “Why?” you might wonder. In the House of Representatives, Marked Down was one of the fiercest Trumpicans. He was loyal to core. For him, Russia and the Ukraine were hoaxes. He attacked Fake News. He was one of the chief Flying Monkeys defending the Wicked Witch of the White House from any and all witch hunters in any and all witch hunts.
So why was I happy when he became Chief of Staff? Because I knew what would happen to him. Remember what happens in Murder, She Wrote with Angela Lansbury? Everywhere she went someone died. She went on a cruise. Someone died. She went to a wedding. Someone died. She went to a reunion or anniversary. Someone died. Truly Angela Lansbury was the kiss of death long before Rick Wilson declared that “everything Trump touches dies.”
I knew that sooner or later Marked Down would be touched and die. I didn’t know when. I didn’t know how. But I did know it would happen. And there was nothing anyone could do about it. When he dared to speak the truth about the hospitalization due to the coronavirus, I knew the handwriting was on the wall. Time was running out for Marked Down.
Then it happened. “We are not going to control the pandemic.” Live on national TV and on a Fake News show, Marked Down uttered the words that will appear on his tombstone. Regardless of the biological cause of his physical death, we now know the words of his political death. It was only a matter of time before Marked Down was on the Trump List and now that moment had arrived. The countdown to his departure has begun. It may not happen the day after the election as it did for Jeff Sessions because it may take a few days for the results to become official. Still it is only a matter of time now.
The Unpresidential Library is the library We the People will build in honor of the worst President in American history (see The Unpresidential Library: The Adolescent Room and Fox & Friends and the Unpresidential Library). It will be separate from the official library built as part of the National Archives and Records Administration. The library should be built in New York. It will have The Adolescent Room displaying the remarks of the seventh-grade-smart-aleck-dumb-aleck in his finest juvenile moments. It will have the statues of him ripping off his mask, standing tall with an upside down Bible at Lafayette Square, holding a bottle of disinfectant, and being swatted with a Forbes magazine by an immortalized porn star.
Naturally, the Unpresidential Library will have an entire wing dedicated to the complete mismanagement, incompetence, and dishonesty of America’s wartime president during the coronavirus crisis. However, he alone is not responsible for the deaths to Americans due to it. He had help in becoming the greatest killer of Americans in American history. He could not have succeeded in this effort all by himself.
The Murderers’ Hall of Fame at the Unpresidential Library will consist of all the people who assisted in the quest to let Americans die so the economy could be reopened and the incumbent could be re-elected. As with the baseball Hall of Fame and similar facilities, there will be a nomination, election, and inauguration for all the individuals who are directly responsible for the deaths of Americans due to the coronavirus.
There are many people who contributed to the greatest loss of life under any wartime President save for Lincoln himself…but the current total is still rising. As America capitulates and throws in the towel, herd immunity is the official policy. The adoption of this policy is easy and requires no skill or intelligent thought: just let everyone do what they want just as they used to do. Bugaloo for everyone. With this policy, the total of deaths from the Civil War, which often was due to disease as well as bullets, can be surpassed. Even the original prediction of 2.2 million deaths over time if nothing is done is in sight.
These numbers mean many have been called to the battle and few have risen to the occasion. There will have be guidelines developed to control the nomination and election process to Murderers’ Hall of Fame in the Unpresidential Library. Candidates may be drawn from:
1. the White House including all cabinet positions
2. the Congressional enablers and supporters of the virus hoax
3. Fox and related media outlets
4. Governors
5. Municipal officials.
A lot of people had to work very hard to maximize the number of Americans who died and who will die as a result of the coronavirus. They all deserve to be recognized for their efforts in killing Americans at an unprecedented levels.
Time is urgent. Remember come November 4, the Fake News hoax of the socialist anarchist Democrats will cease.
“By the way, on November 4 you won’t hear about it anymore,” THE DONALD in North Carolina.
“You watch, they’ll milk it every single day between now and November 3. And guess what, after November 3, coronavirus will magically all of a sudden go away and disappear and everybody will be able to reopen,” a son of THE DONALD last May on Fox.
No masks will be worn at the Inauguration ceremony for the Murderers’ Hall of Fame.