An enraged Duped-by-Russia Hannity practically blew a gasket after the first day of the impeachment hearings. He was so mad steam was shooting forth from his ears and every other opening in his body. He was absolutely furious about the hearings. All the testimony was hearsay. There was no testimony by anyone with first-hand knowledge of the extortion actions by the President. To rectify that shortcoming, he demanded that people with first-hand knowledge be called to testify. His list included the Vice President, the Acting Chief of Staff, the Secretary of State, the National Security chief, and the Attorney General. These are the people who met and spoke directly with the President. If the Democrats dared to call such people they would quickly expose the hoax of this witch hunt. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Do the Democrats have the courage and honesty to pick it up?
An enraged Duped-by-Russia Hannity practically blew a gasket after the first day of the impeachment hearings. He was so mad steam was shooting forth from his ears and every other opening in his body. He was absolutely furious about the hearings. Where was the testimony from the hearsay in-chief whistle-blower who had started all this brouhaha? It was vital that this individual be outed and forced to testify. Once this person had been exposed and a target put on this person’s back, the truth of this Deep State hoax and witch hunt would be exposed. The Ukraine witch hunt is just a continuation of the Russian witch hunt. Everything would be resolved if only the Democrats dared to call the hearsay whistle-blower to testify. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Do the Democrats have the courage and honesty to pick it up?
An enraged Duped-by-Russia Hannity practically blew a gasket after the first day of the impeachment hearings. He was so mad steam was shooting forth from his ears and every other opening in his body. He was absolutely furious about the hearings. Article II of the Constitution gives the President the power to do whatever he wants with impunity and immunity unless the President is a Democrat. If the President wants to extort the leader of another country for any reason whatsoever, he has the right to do so. Everything would be resolved if only the Democrats dared to admit the truth. That is the way the game is played. Get over it. Move on. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Do Democrats have the courage and honesty to pick it up?
An enraged Duped-by-Russia Hannity practically blew a gasket after the first day of the impeachment hearings. He was so mad steam was shooting forth from his ears and every other opening in his body. He was absolutely furious about the hearings. The real corruption scandal is not being investigated. The real scandal is the one by Sleepy Creepy Joe Biden and his son. The real scandal is by the Democrats. The real scandal is by the Ukrainians who interfered in the 2016 election and possess the acid-washed and sledgehammer-smashed server that Duped-by-Russia Hannity has been expounding about ad infinitum on his show. If you want to know the truth, subpoena John No-Wisdom. Show after show he has been presenting the truth about the Ukrainians. This calm voice of reason in his quiet low-key manner has been sharing the truth with the viewers while his Fake News MSNBC counterpart Chuck Rosenberg only appears to know what he is talking about. John No-Wisdom is the one with the answers. That is why the Extorter in-Chief cheers him on. Everything would be resolved if only the Democrats dared to admit the truth. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Do Democrats have the courage and honesty to pick it up?
My prediction before the hearings began, a fairly easy prediction I acknowledge, was that American would witness two different hearings.
As a result, there will be two televised hearings of the impeachment. One will be reported by the Fake News networks, newspapers, and websites and the other will be by the Bull-Trump counterparts. Since Trumpicans, like the mainland Chinese, only get their news from one source, the government propaganda network they will only see what Clueless Jim Jordan asks, Duped-by-Russia Hannity reports, and Little Donee Waney tweets. No One to Throw Under the Bus
It did not take long to demonstrate the accuracy of this prediction. See “Fox’s prime time stars are telling Trump that the impeachment hearings are a ‘disaster’ for Democrats” by Brian Stetler for a rundown of the Fox reporting of the hearings. Imagine what would happen if the Democratic presidential race were not in disarray and the Democratic candidate could respond. Maybe by next summer or fall!
In the meantime, there are larger lessons to be learned from the impeachment hearings so far. The impact on the American people will be based on America today, not the America of the last two times impeachment was in the news. Even though there are people alive today who as adults have experienced all three impeachments, the world in which they live has changed considerably.
Just focus on how people receive the news about the impeachments. Once upon a time, the communities of the country had independent and local newspapers. I have been to the local newspaper office in the city where I grew up. I delivered newspapers in the afternoon in my neighborhood in the city where I grew up. I remember the scenes of everyone reading the local paper from TV shows and movies. I remember reading the morning paper on the train ride to Manhattan along with everyone else on the train. I still do that when I take the train to the city. By contrast, everyone else is looking down at a device of some kind – a cell phone, a tablet, a lap top, or some combination of all three. Now that newspaper has been swallowed up into gigantic national powerhouse (After Its Merger, Gannett Will Be the Largest Newspaper Publisher in the U.S.).
Think of the movie Hidden Figures. Everyone is watching the scenes of the Mercury astronauts including John Glenn’s abortive flight. Not even the Superbowl attracts such attention today. Regular TV shows drew tens of millions of viewers then even without being the last episode of MASH. Those days are over. A blockbuster show may attract 20 million viewers and that does not even mean 20 million viewers simultaneously. Impeachment news unlike those Mercury flights will not be a shared experience. Instead the news will be diffused over a plethora of sources. Fox viewers will never know what really happened but the certainty of the Fox announcers helps ensure that no matter what happens, the base will never abandon its lord and savior, the chosen one, blessed be his name. The impeachment hearings provide a great opportunity to bring out the inner seventh-grade smart-aleck dumb-aleck in people like the President’s Press Secretary. The examples in the Stetler piece reveal how Fox is loving it.
To those talk show people who say we should have faith in the American people and let the process play out, I say consider the example of the mainland Chinese in the United States. These people are free of the restrictions and oppression in the homeland (although probably not quite the surveillance scrutiny if the act out of line). Here in the United States, they have access to CNN, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the internet. Have they availed themselves of these options? Have they developed a better understanding of the Tiananmen Square Massacre? Or do they simply recite the Party line on Hong Kong?
The situation is no different for Trumpicans. As long as they think he is delivering on what they actually want they could not care less about all these shenanigans in the Beltway. As long as they are faithful to their lord and savior so will be the elected officials who represent them. Remember when OJ did get away with the murders he had committed? Who cares about the Ukrainians who died because they did not have the weapons they needed and that had been funded by the United States? Go OJ. Go!