Fox triplets, do you want a “socialist” America? Then DUMP TRUMP NOW!
It’s time to live in the real world.
No more Tucker tirades about the unelected Fauci. It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
No more Hannity hosannas about Texas and Florida. It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
No more Laura LOL drug cures. It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Do you have the mental necessities to read a graph? How come the number of cases in the European Union has dropped dramatically while America’s is rising? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Do you think after the struggle to control the coronavirus, the European Union will now accept the White House fantasies of 15 becoming zero, miracle cures, it’s behind us, and embers? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
If our leader rates a “10,” then what would you rate the leaders of Japan, New Zealand, Australia, Iceland, Singapore, Germany, Hong Kong, China and from other countries that actually have contained the virus? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Do you think after the struggle to control the coronavirus, states like New York will now accept the White House fantasies of 15 becoming zero, miracle cures, it’s behind us, and embers? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
If our leader rates a “10,” then what would you rate the governors of the states that actually contained the virus? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Our President said the way to improve schools is to slow down testing: fewer tests mean fewer failures. Problem solved. How simple-minded to you have to be to believe this? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Oh, wait. He said to slow down the coronavirus tests, not school tests. Fewer tests mean fewer infections mean fewer deaths. How stupid are you? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
At Tulsa, here is what people who take this nonsense seriously had to say:
“This coronavirus is a little bit hyped. The media hypes things,” Anonymous.
If only FAKE NEWS knocked off their hyped reporting, there would be no talk of 120,000 dead and they would not be dead either…or the deaths aren’t really from the coronavirus anyway. Who knows how this unidentified electrician from Seattle is able to live in an alternate reality. The whole thing must be a hoax.
Other examples lends credence to the thinking it is a hoax.
“It’s all fake. They’re just making the numbers up. I haven’t seen anybody die, not from coronavirus. I don’t know anybody who’s got it,” said Mike Alcorn, Wichita, Kansas.
“I’ve been watching this closely over the last four months or so, and the numbers just don’t add up,” said Jeff Eskew, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
“[The virus] is a scare tactic more than anything. And I just don’t believe all those deaths are coronavirus,” said Donald Fanning, Wichita Kansas.
Do you see any global warming in your backyard? I don’t see any global warming in your backyard. It’s all fake, it’s all made up.
How can you even blame China for a hoax? How can China be at fault if it’s all fake? That’s like saying the Bolton book is a complete lie but the lies are classified so it shouldn’t be published.
Just because someone looks up to Putin doesn’t give him the right to play Russian roulette with the lives of the American people. Masks work. Is common sense illegal on Fox? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Just because someone admires Queen Elizabeth doesn’t give him a 007 license to kill Americans. Masks work. Is common sense illegal on Fox? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Just because someone’s uncle was a supergenius doesn’t mean he knows what scientists are talking about. Masks work, Is common sense illegal on Fox? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
LBJ knew when not to run for re-election.
Nixon knew when it was time to resign.
There are no Howard Bakers in the Senate
There are no adults in the White House.
It’s up to you Fox triplets to save America.
Do you want a Democratic White House, House, and Senate? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Do you want Biden to win by even a bigger Electoral College landslide than 306 votes? By a bigger landslide than the 332 of Obama? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Why do you criticize what is going on the cities and then support the one person who will make matters worse? It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Are you secretly working for Nancy Pelosi?
Are you trying to destroy the Republican Party?
Are you a minion of George Soros?
The eyes of the world are upon us and what the world sees is a failed country with a laughingstock for a leader who is way out of his league. It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
Fox triplets: Rise to the occasion. Be a profile in courage. Save the country. It’s time to live in the real world. DUMP TRUMP NOW!
I am not so naïve as to think the Fox triplets will ever read or even know of this blog yet alone act on it. But it felt really good writing it.