A catcher’s mask is not a coronavirus mask. Does our Coronavirus President know that?
When he was in 6th grade he was a catcher. He even wrote a poem including Yogi Berra, who was then a star catcher for the New York Yankees. They were probably his favorite team since they were winners.
He knows what a football helmet is.
He probably knows what a goalie mask is.
He probably knows what a helmet on a knight in shining armor is.
What do all these objects have in common?
What they have in common is that they are designed to protect the wearer. That function is significant. It means that it was imprinted on him at a young age that masks were designed to protect the wearer. They had nothing to do with anyone else. He has known that for over 60 years.
It is important to recognize that the idea is fixed in his mind.
No matter what Fauci says to him about masks, he knows that masks are to protect the wearer.
No matter what Birx says to him about masks, he knows that masks are to protect the wearer.
Try telling a teenager not to text and drive. You can say the words all you want. The teenager can even repeat them back to you. The teenager can even take a test from the Motor Vehicles Bureau and demonstrate knowledge of these words and their meaning. So what. What does mean for the teenager’s behavior?
The same applies to any advice about drugs, drinking and driving, smoking, or any other behavior you don’t want the teenager to do. “OK, Mom. I hear you. OK, Dad, I won’t do it.”
And then guess what happens?
Telling Woodward the words of recognizing the danger of the coronavirus is not the same as understanding them. If you think with your gut and not your brain, the words never sink in. He is still the sixth grader who knows that masks are designed to protect the wearer. Nothing will ever change that.
You think I am nuts, spinning absurd interpretations worthy of a conspiracy website or Fox. Listen to what he actually said to Hannity when he learned that Hope Hicks had the coronavirus. He was surprised.
“She is a hard worker, a lot of masks, she wears masks a lot. But she tested positive.”
How could she test positive? She wore a mask! What do you mean “BUT SHE TESTED POSITIVE”? Wearing a mask doesn’t protect the wearer from getting the virus, it prevents the wearer from spreading the virus. Hope Hicks wore a mask, therefore she should have been protected from the virus. For over 60 years, he has known that masks protect people.
Now consider what he said about Joe Biden during the debate.
“I don’t wear a mask like him. Every time you see him, he’s got a mask. He could be speaking 200 feet away from them and he shows up with the biggest mask I’ve ever seen.”
Yes, masks protect people, but real men don’t wear masks because real men don’t need to wear masks. Wimps the weak Joe Biden need to wear a mask even when they are 200 feet away from anyone. What a loser. He finally crawls out of his basement and is so terrified of the real world around him that he has to wear a mask. And you think he has the right stuff to be President!
This is how his mind works.
Look at what he did before the debate. He attended a superspreader fundraiser in New Jersey maskless. Why should be wear mask? He didn’t need protection. Hanks to the coverup, we still don’t know the sequence of how he and Hope caught the virus in the first place.
For an adult to wear a mask is to admit weakness. The alpha male wannabee will never admit to being weak. He didn’t retreat to the bunker for security purposes, he was on an inspection tour. And then he dominated Lafayette Square as no other President in American history had ever dominated a space before. And if those governors couldn’t dominate their cities, he would dominate them for them. Never show weakness. Dominate.
Look at how he dominated the two presidential debates in 2016 and 2020. Here is what I wrote about the 2016 debate as a variation of the 1960 debate. This time instead of a radio versus a TV winner, there was a verbal versus a physical winner (Predator in Chief, Our Lady of Perpetual Victimhood: A Presidential Election Retrospective).
During the high school debate while one candidate jabber jabbered, the other candidate was unleashed. He did not remain bound to his lectern. He did not remain a prisoner of the rules of debate. Instead he roamed the arena stalking his prey. A known predator who felt and feels free to grab females whenever and wherever he chooses [and get away with it because he is a celebrity] was now stalking his newest victim. A physically-larger person was circling the smaller victim. What would she do?
It wasn’t as if she didn’t know she was being stalked by a known predator. She knew she was and she knew she had a decision to make. She was now in the arena. She now needed to show if she had the right stuff or not. As she later would write:
Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on as if he weren’t repeatedly invading your space. Or do you turn, look him in the eye, and say loudly and clearly: ‘Back up, you creep, get away from me! I know you love to intimidate women, but you can’t intimidate me, so back up.’
Perhaps she remembered when a candidate in a Senate debate had violated her space and it had reverberated to her advantage. Not this time.
As she acknowledges, she chose Option A. Now with hindsight she realizes maybe she would have been better off if she had chosen Option B. On radio, no one would have noticed the dilemma she faced. On TV, many people did. Regardless of who won the high school debate, they knew who had won the game of Survivor. When asked in an interview in 1987 whether he would rather be appointed president or run for office, he replied:
“It’s the hunt that I believe I love.”
When he stalked her, he knew what he was doing. When he prowled the arena, he knew what he was doing. When he circled around her, he knew what he was doing.
The same scenario played out earlier this week. This time the opponent was a male plus there was the coronavirus. The option to dominate by physically stalking the foe had been removed. Instead he would dominate through words and bluster. He would bully his opponent into submission by not allowing him the opportunity to get a word in edgewise. And he succeeded. He declared the debate to be the greatest presidential debate in American history. He was the dominant one, not the weak one.
Previously I had predicted two possible moments when he might be forced to live in the real world (The Trump Doctrine versus the Truman (Jim Carrey) Doctrine Update).
1. When he left the White House on January 20, 2021.
2. When he would be investigated under oath with no immunity and the prospect of jail or prison.
No tweets or phone-ins on Hannity would save him then.
It turns out, there may be a third way in which he comes face to face with the real world. It is in a way the flippant President expected. Now that he is in the hospital. Now he is being given experimental medications under special consideration. This is for real. He knows he can’t tweet or bully his way out of this virus. He knows he might die. Will he learn anything if he lives?
Will he change his behavior now that he knows coronavirus that no curve has been rounded and that no miracle has occurred?
Will he decide to pay taxes since they are what pay for him to get the medical care he needs?
Will he stop trying to take away people’s health care and instead promote genuine health care plan?
Will he wear a mask and require everyone else to do so too?
Will he tell the truth about his own health from his mysterious hospital visit last year to his hospital visit this year?
Will he inform his followers that the coronavirus is not a hoax, not the flu, and that people should knock of the masks-are-slavery nonsense and listen to the scientists?
Will he apologize to the country?
Or will he claim that no president in American history ever overcame a greater medical threat than he has and go back to his normal? Unfortunately for him, “back to his normal” won’t work and if he is unable to grow from this experience to become a better person than he was then the country will continue to pay the price.