The Howard Baker moment is here. It has been a longtime coming. It is not an exact repeat of original Howard Baker moment. At that time, a Republican Senator told the Republican President that it was game over and the President resigned. Hard as it may be to believe today, Baker succeeded because he had […]
State of American History, Civics, and Politics
Giuliani’s Indictment: Previewing the President’s
At this point in time, it is becoming easier to determine who will be indicted for sedition and the attempt to overthrow the government. The words of Eric Herschmann to John Eastman remain the best free advice a range of people should take: “Get a great effing criminal lawyer.” The Department of Justice has its […]
Day 4 The House Select Committee and the American Revolution 250th
The actions of the House Select Committee have ripple effects beyond the simple “who done it?” investigations. Before turning to its meaning for the American Revolution 250th, I must digress to an image from the sixth and most recent session. When you heard the story of the President of the United States grabbing for first […]
Day 3: Countdown Continues to Clear and Present Danger in 2024
The countdown continues to a clear and present danger in 2024. The third session of the House Select Committee introduced a new element into the proceedings. So far the bulk of the effort has been directed to establishing a criminal case for the Department of Justice to pursue against the insurrectionists. Part of that effort […]
Day 2: Will Jury Trials Survive the Insurrection if Facts Do Not Matter?
The jury trail is a bedrock staple of the American democracy. People are very familiar with the phrases “see you in court” or “have your day in court.” It bespeaks the right of every American to have a dispute adjudicated or an action punished through the mechanism of the jury trial. As we were recently […]
Day 1: Cheney Skewers Trump – DeSantis Flotilla Smells Blood in the Water
It is not the Mueller Report. That report became the Great Disappointment. All that time. All that effort. All that anticipation. And for what? A dull boring presentation and report that led to nothing thanks in part to Attorney General Bill Barr who had not yet seen the light. Also the format led to numerous […]
Find Me 624,120 Votes: The 11,780 Georgia Vote Sequel
Who can forget the blockbuster thriller from 2020 when the arch villain memorably said: FIND ME 11,780 VOTES! That thrilling assertion quickly became part of American folklore. The embattled loser struggling to remain in power reached out telephonically to the supposed little people in Georgia eager and willing to do his bidding. Instead he discovered […]
Should the Supreme Court Legislate?
The United States famously has a tripartite system of government. We have three branches of the government: legislature, executive, and judicial. Naturally there are going to be areas of overlap and issues about not overstepping one’s domain and intruding into the realm of another branch. That being said, it is the legislative actions of the […]
Abortion and Gun Control: Democrats Bring a Plastic Spoon to a Gunfight and Wonder Why They Lose
Democrats bring a plastic spoon to a gunfight and wonder why they lose. About a decade ago, Republicans referred to themselves as the “party of stupid.” Now we see that Democrats are equally stupid. They strongly believe in the old adage about insanity being keep doing what has failed time and time again in the […]
Slavery Armageddon: Harvard versus Tucker
Slavery at Harvard is in the news. The announcement of a $100 million fund made all the major newspapers and cable news outlets. The Harvard-hosted hybrid conference following the announcement “Telling the Truth about All This: Reckoning with Slavery and Its Legacies at Harvard and Beyond,” on April 29, 2022, received less coverage. That conference […]