This blog is the second of three blogs on the end of the year update for the semiquincentennial. The first blog reported on national organizations and journals. This one addresses the New England States. The final blog will look at New York State and New York City.
Program Followup: Funding Spotlight: America 250 | CT Museum Makeover
Thank you so much for attending our Funding Spotlight: America 250 | CT Museum Makeover. We hope the session was informative and helpful. You can help us ensure we are offering the best programs that meet your needs by filling out our brief program evaluation. |
Followup Resources
We’re including here some followup resources from the program, including a link to the recording on our YouTube channel, the slide decks, and information about the America 250 | CT Commission and this special Museum Makeover grant opportunity. |
If you are interested in applying for this grant, be sure to schedule a call with Kathy Craughwell-Varda as soon as possible by emailing her at csl.conservationconnection@ct.gov. You must speak with Kathy about your project before applying. And remember, she will provide feedback on draft applications that are shared with her at least two weeks before the January 22 deadline.
Connecticut will hold a 250th conference on March 21, 2025: Shaping a Commemoration Rooted in Belonging Maine Semiquincentennial CommissionThe Maine Semiquincentennial Commission was established in state law in 2023. Housed within the Maine Department of the Secretary of State, Chapter Resolve 126 states the Commission “shall develop and coordinate the commemoration of the 250th anniversary of the founding of the United States of America, referred to in this resolve as “the commemoration,” through educational and historical events, activities and programs throughout the State.” Read the full authorizing legislation. Appointed members of the Maine Semiquincentennial Commission are:
Director of Special Projects, Maine Semiquincentennial Commission: Sarah E. Hansen, Sarah.E.Hansen@maine.gov. Maine Semiquincentennial Commission Interested Parties List For 2024, the Commission met on the second Wednesday of every other month , from 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Meetings were held at the Maine State Archives offices (17 Elkins Lane, Augusta) or over Zoom. No events were listed. |
Celebrate Massachusetts 250 and Introducing Museums 250
The Massachusetts Office of Travel and Tourism announced on 12/10 that there will most likely be a second round of Massachusetts 250 Grants “to support programming and interpretation that tell the stories of the American Revolution in Massachusetts and increase tourism and travel to and within Massachusetts.” Please keep an eye out for updates on this process after the turn of the year.
Museums 250 is a new campaign designed to establish Massachusetts museums as key destinations for commemorating the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution by showcasing Revolutionary-era items, stories, and programs through a unified marketing campaign. Over 450 museums across the Commonwealth have opportunities to embrace travelers, visitors, and residents to experience an exhibit, collection, and memorable event as a part of the Massachusetts 250th commemoration.
Museums 250 is a branding campaign, connecting museums and cultural organizations, to bring the state’s revolutionary story to life by showcasing objects and exhibits from that period of American history. Through object-based storytelling, this campaign creates tangible connections to the American Revolution.
Massachusetts has many events planned for 2025 especially due to Paul Revere, the Battle of Lexington and Concord, and the Battle of Bunker Hill. In addition the state has or is planning many support services for local history organizations including a speakers bureau, monthly “lunch and learn,” and helping organizations to collaborate. There is a website organizations to enter their 250th related events.
SAVE THE DATE: “1775: A Society on the Brink of War and Revolution”
Hosted at the Concord Museum
April 10-11, 2025
The Concord Museum, the David Center for the American Revolution at the American Philosophical Society, and the Massachusetts Historical Society will hold a conference on April 10-11, 2025 on the theme “1775”. The conference will be convened at the Concord Museum and marks the 250th anniversary of the battles of Lexington and Concord. There will be opportunities for attendees to visit historic sites and view objects and collections significant to the Revolution.
What challenges did New England society face in this moment, and how did they impact the outbreak of fighting in 1775? The conference organizers seek proposals from scholars across fields whose perspectives may bear new insight into British American society, culture and economy on the brink of its collapse; the origins of the American Revolution; and the outbreak of military conflict.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
- The political and social origins of the military crisis;
- The impact of the British military on Boston and New England society from the end of the Seven Years War in 1763 and the outbreak of fighting in 1775;
- Visual, material, and print culture connected to the outbreak of the war;
- Native American and Indigenous perspectives on these events and their legacy;
- The impact of the crisis and military mobilization on gender and family norms;
- The experiences of women and children;
- The role of slavery and experiences of enslaved people;
- Religious belief, the pulpit, and the revolutionary crisis;
- The battles of Lexington and Concord, and the siege of Boston;
- The memory and legacy of the battles of Lexington and Concord, including objects, museums, monuments, and their role in national political history and mythology.
Questions? Email ccloutier@masshist.org.
The Rhode Island Semiquincentennial 250th Commission (RI 250th Commission), was established in 2021 through a joint resolution from the General Assembly. Rhode Island has a pivotal role in the founding of our country – the attack on the HMS Gaspee was the first act of aggression against the British. It is commemorated in Rhode Island, and across the nation, as the spark that ignited the American Revolution. This important anniversary presents an opportunity for Rhode Islanders, and all Americans, to reflect on the many significant events that inspired the birth of our country from a diverse perspectives.
The RI250 Commission consists of 30 appointed members. It is tasked with encouraging civic pride, economic development, and sharing our state’s history through organizing and participating in activities marking Rhode Island’s role in the American Revolution. The Commission acts as a clearing house and facilitates American Revolution-related activities throughout the State beginning in 2022 and leading up to 2026. RI250 encourages all Rhode Islanders to become engaged and invested in this important milestone.
Vermont’s 250th Anniversary Commission
Governor Phil Scott has signed an executive order creating the 250th Anniversary Commission to plan, coordinate and promote observances and activities that commemorate the historic events associated with the American Revolution in Vermont.
The year 2026 will mark the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the formation of the United States of America. Vermonters played a significant role in the colonists’ assertion for independence from Great Britain, from the Green Mountain Boys successful assault at Fort Ticonderoga to the Battle of Hubbardton, and to the Battle of Bennington where Vermont troops helped defeat a British force to set up the victories that turned the war in favor of the new Americans. Events and education will continue with commemoration of the 1777 campaign and the founding of Vermont.
To observe these events, Vermont will be joining other states and partners to encourage remembrance of our past, commemorate the present and look forward to a promising future.
Read the full Press Release here: 250th Anniversary Commission Press Release
Our Mission
Vermont’s 250th Anniversary Commission will inspire all Vermonters to learn from the history, legacy, and context of the past to build strong Vermont communities for the future. Through collaborative local and statewide initiatives that explore an inclusive history of the American Revolution, Vermont 250 will support and encourage the preparation, planning, and execution of programs and events that examine a formative period of our nation and how it continues to shape our culture and values.
250th Anniversary Commission Strategic Plan
Vermont’s 250th Anniversary Commission has compiled a reading list related to the events, people, and places of the American Revolutionary War-era and Republic of Vermont. This is not a comprehensive list but one source for materials related to this significant period on our state’s and nation’s history.
Reading list for American Revolutionary War-era and Republic of Vermont.
If you are interested in having your community or organization events endorsed by the 250th Commission, please complete this form and submit for evaluation. Please submit events at least 6 weeks before it is scheduled to begin. Endorsed events will be included on the Vermont 250th Anniversary calendar of events.
Tell us how you wish to commemorate the 250th. We want to hear your ideas for events, activities, educational opportunities, discussions exploring our complicated history, re-enactments, anything!! Please email us at SOV.Vermont250@vermont.gov
250th Anniversary Commissioners
Laura V. Trieschmann, State Historic Preservation Officer/Chair
Jim Brangan, Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership
Catherine Delneo, State Librarian
Paul Deslandes, University of Vermont, Department of History
Tom Hughes, Historian
Christopher Kaufman Ilstrup, Vermont Humanities
John Krueger, Historian
James Lockridge, Champlain Valley National Heritage Partnership/creative, cultural heritage, & nonprofit sectors
Vacant, VCNAA Representative
Martin Mahoney, Bennington Museum
Susan Evans McClure, Vermont Arts Council
Stephen Perkins, Vermont Historical Society
Heather Pelham, Commissioner of Tourism and Marketing
Israel Provoncha, Re-enactor/Historian
Jonah Spivak, Friends of the Battle Monument; Friends of the Bennington Battlefield; Town of Bennington
The Vermont 250th Anniversary Commission welcomes public participation.
Both Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont have quite active programs. I did not see any state commission for New Hampshire. Maine and Rhode Island have state commissions which apparently meet regularly but I did not see any statewide activities.