“Trump’s Corona – False Claims and expectations”: Palestinian Authority editorial:
What if the claim that US President Donald Trump was infected with the corona virus is fabricated? Some say President Trump fabricated this news to win sympathy, and to avoid future debates with his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden…
The Washington Post counted 3,000 lies by Trump, a thousand of them on Corona virus… so the fabrication of infection remains possible. Perhaps the thing that most reinforces this is the fact that Trump’s infection with the Coronavirus was published a few days after his first debate with his Democratic opponent Joe Biden, which Trump turned into the worst debate in history!
Of course there remains [the possibility] that the Corona virus has indeed managed to reach the American president, and that there is no fabrication in that regard. If this is the case, and without malicious joy, perhaps we can aspire that the suffering caused by this disease will cause the American president to re-examine the erroneous and aggressive policies towards humanity and its just causes, which he represents while he fuels racist extremist ideas, and sides with falsehood against truth, and with occupation against liberation and freedom…
Whether or not the U.S. president has caught Coronavirus, we will not analyze this news based on wishful thinking. Coronavirus is a disease that we do not wish for the creatures of Allah wherever they are, and we pray for the speedy recovery of all those infected.
[Al-Hayat al-Jadida, Oct. 4, 2020]
In stunning development Donald Trump openly admitted that he was not a very stable genius, he is not the smartest person in the room. This extraordinary admission occurred when he was hospitalized for the coronavirus. At that time, he announced that now he “gets” it.” And it only took eight months! What a remarkable example of mental acuity. He very well may receive a Nobel Prize in medicine for his discovery to go with his Peace prizes.
This learning experience has a pedagogical significance.
“I learned a lot about Covid. I learned it by really going to school. This is the real school. This isn’t the let’s read-the-books school. And I get it. And I understand it. And it’s a very interesting thing and I’m going to be letting you know about it.”
Now we now why he doesn’t read the briefing books. He doesn’t learn from writing. He doesn’t learn from reading. He doesn’t learn from adult presentations. He learns from real world experience. Sure, he could say to Bob Woodward that he realize how dangerous he was but he didn’t really. He didn’t learn until he had the disease itself.
Some people took the Susan Collins approach like the Palestinian Authority. Remember how being impeached and then tried was a learning experience too. Maybe this time, he would now realize the seriousness of the virus and be the leader the country we need.
Ben Rhodes said, “They are acting like they can defy gravity. The reality has finally come home.”
On the CNN website, the view was expressed:
For much of this year, Trump has spun an alternate reality about the dangers of coronavirus — disputing science and the efficacy of masks, downplaying the risks to the American people, and making false statements about how 99% of coronavirus cases in America are “totally harmless” or that the virus “affects virtually nobody.
He encouraged his aides and advisers to live in that dangerous fantasy land, pushing his luck to the limits as late as this past week when he again recklessly gathered thousands of unmasked Americans at his political rallies and packed the top officials in government into a Rose Garden ceremony for his Supreme Court nominee. All the while, White House officials embraced the fallacy that administering rapid coronavirus tests frequently at the White House could provide a shield of immunity.
The President’s construct crumbled Friday when he was airlifted to Walter Reed after contracting the virus, while many aides, advisers and allies were testing positive for Covid-19 after interacting with him over the past week.
WHAT! ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He already is the leader the country needs. He rates himself a 10, an A, and A+, he would change a thing that he did. His construct didn’t crumble. He is more sure than ever that he is on the right course.
Nothing has changed. He said he was going to let us know what he learned and he has.
“Don’t be afraid of it. You’re going to beat it. We have the best medical equipment, we have the best medicines.”
“Many people every year, sometimes over 100,000, and despite the Vaccine, die from the Flu. Are we going to close down our Country? No, we have learned to live with it, just like we are learning to live with Covid, in most populations far less lethal!!!”
Remember that word “dominate”? Remember how he dominated Lafayette Square as no President in American history ever has dominated a battleground? Remember how he told the governors to “dominate” their cities or else he would do it for them. Remember how he dominated the first debate scarcely allowing the basement-dweller an opportunity to speak, the greatest Presidential debate in American history. Now he has dominated the virus.
What has he learned?
Real men don’t get Covid-19. Only weak people get sick.
Real men don’t go to hospitals. Only weak people do.
Real men don’t get oxygen. Only weak people do.
Real men don’t wear masks. Only weak people do.
Real men don’t have doctors who tell the truth.
Real men don’t have a chief of staff who tells the truth.
He’s back, stronger than ever, stronger than he has been in 20 years. He is raring to go full-steam ahead to put the virus behind us where it belongs. Let’s get America moving again.
Is followers are ready. Over at Fox, Clueless Jim Jordan mocked Joe Biden about when he learned about the positive test result:
He wakes up, has a cup of coffee, and calls it a day.
He closes his campaign at 9:30 in the morning.
Hannity was gracious enough to give Biden a 10:00 AM end of the day. Business as usual.
In fact, Hannity tonight launched an all-out assault on the perpetrators of the greatest political crime in American history, the Russia hoax. It’s time for the Deep State to be hauled off in handcuffs and be locked up. Soon the cry will heard again at Trump rallies: “LOCK HER UP!” and the rest of them, too
There will be no change in policies and procedures on the virus.
There will be no stimulus package until after the election, if then. The stimulus package is not as important as a Supreme Court judge anyway. And since he is going to win, there isn’t going to be a relief package.
This infection has been a learning experience for America too. We now know how important it is for him not to appear weak. Yes, his base wants a warrior leader and he is pretending to be one with his rip-the-mask-off production. But we should keep in mind that it is always about him. He had the opportunity to exhibit sympathy and empathy and he didn’t take it. He had the chance to reach out to the female voters whom he has lost in droves and he didn’t take it. He could have tried to get back into the game as his polls plummeted. But he didn’t even try. Why not? It is more important to him that he not appear weak. He would risk his health and his reelection rather than appear weak. Let that realization sink in: he would jeopardize his reelection, his stay of jail for four years card, rather than appear weak. He dominated the first debate and was not weak when infected. And he trails by 14-16%. What a deal.