The real world is coming. Moment by moment, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, less than one month away, the real world is coming. The immature child president in the body of an adult with the emotional maturity of a three-year old (thank you Mary Trump), has been unable to stop it. He keeps trying but so far nothing has worked. What will happen as he becomes more and more unraveled?

Sydney was not the first person to play the Chavez card. It turns out it was played in 2016 even before the election and by the Democrats. The headline in CNN from October 20, 2016 was
Venezuela slams video comparing Donald Trump to Hugo Chavez
A new campaign ad comparing Donald Trump to Hugo Chavez isn’t sitting well with Venezuela’s government. The Democratic National Committee posted a video online this week claiming the Republican presidential nominee’s recent remarks have a lot in common with fiery speeches from the late Venezuelan leader. And it wasn’t long before a top Venezuelan official weighed in, condemning what she called an “atrocious and vile” ad.
Perhaps Chavez was so upset at being compared to the like of Donald Trump that he reached out from the grave to have his revenge. Actually, polls show that Zombies overwhelming prefer Trump to Biden. The irony is that if Sydney does investigate dead people voting she will find that it helped her candidate. There is no valid reason for assuming dead people prefer Biden.
Meanwhile back in the real world, as of the winter solstice when the day is shortest and the darkness is longest, here is what the Sore Loser has done to stop the world he doesn’t want to get off of:
Ukrainian extortion attempt – failed
Post Office delivery sabotage – failed
Delay date of election – failed
Bad-mouth mail-in voting – backfired
Vote recounts – failed
Legal fraud voting cases – failed
Alternate state electors – failed
Supreme Court – not loyal to him
Undermine Electoral College – failed.
The one remaining legal deadline is the January 6, 2021, Congressional ratification. He continues to work with a small group of traitors in the House of Representatives to reverse the election. So far the one possible and required Senate supporter would be the biggest moron in the Senate except he has not yet taken office. Perhaps he should have worn a football helmet so he wouldn’t have taken so many blows to the head. He probably doesn’t wear a mask either. At this point, it seems likely that the traitors will try something on January 6 and the result will be a complete and total failure.
Wait! There’s more. In the ongoing effort to turn back the tide of history, the Sore Loser has scraped the bottom of the barrel. He has assembled the worst collection of reprobates he can find; in other words, his kind of people. The desperate ploy is to declare martial law, seize voting machines and redo the elections in the states that he lost because this time he thinks he would win. And when would these elections be held? Next November and he would just in office until then? Whether those redos will include Senators, Representatives, Governors, and all state and local elections remain unclear. Perhaps the massive fraud was so calibrated as to only affect the Presidential vote and only in states that he lost. While this Hail Mary will not succeed it does raise some interesting questions.
1. How did Michael Flynn ever get as far as he did in the military given his lack of integrity and his lack of loyalty to the Constitution?
2. How come Sydney Powell and Rudy Giuliani are still lawyers? Are there no standards?
What will happen post-January 6, 2021, as the clock keeps ticking and he has no options left except to pout and stay in the White House?
1. White House staff will begin to clean out their desks.
2. White House staff will begin to look for other jobs.
3. There will more Bill Barrs – people who are now willing to publicly speak the truth. How about all those anonymous sources the White House reporters keep referring to or will they want to save it for their books as Bolton did?
4. The First Lady will be packed – I am not familiar with the details of the moving protocols for people leaving and entering the White House. Surely the packing of the present occupants can’t wait until the last minute. Someone will contact the First Lady in accordance with standard protocol to begin the process of packing her possessions and shipping them somewhere. Where? To Florida or New York? Apparently according to the stipulations for the operation of Mar-a-Lago as a club, no one can live there as a permanent resident. One can anticipate a law suit being brought against anyone who tries to. That means most likely the former First Lady will choose to live in New York.
5. The people responsible for packing the outgoing President will also inquire about packing his belongings and shipping them somewhere so he will have them on the night of January 20, 2021…unless he is in custody in which case he will have prison attire and minimal possessions. Would you want to be the person who asks him about the packing?
6. Around the same time, Biden will measure the drapes. As one team is moved out, another team is moved in.
There are two new legal proceedings to track now. One as mentioned will be when the Sore Loser is confronted with the reality that he can remain in Mar-a-Lago only for a short time. Naturally he will violate the agreement leading to a lawsuit. The second is as a material witness in the lawsuits brought by the election equipment companies trashed by Foxhub and others for participating in a rigged election.
All this means there is still a lot to look forward to in horror. The attempt to declare martial law shows there is no limit as to what he would attempt to do to reverse the election. It also shows there are limits as to what is able to do. Still he will keep trying up to the very last moment. If all he ends up doing is pardoning the members of his criminal family then we should count our blessings that he didn’t do anything else to destroy the country in his final days.
Back on July 19, 2020, I concluded my blog Putin’s Pence: What Does He Get from the Relationship?
Putin undoubtedly realizes that the time of his Pence as President may be nearing an end. He can read briefing reports. Putin’s window of opportunity for exploiting the complicit President is closing. What will he do before his Pence leaves office? Will he seek a final hurrah when he knows the United States will not respond? Invade the Baltics? Given the weaknesses of his own country, there may be limits to what he can do. When all is said and done, this brief interlude when his Pence presided over the United States may be remembered as the time when an immature child in the body of an adult desperate for the approval of his dominating father tried to the best of his ability to help make Russia great again.
Now we know what Putin did and how his asset responded.