The 2022 Congressional elections may be one for the record books.
Never before will so many candidates have been indicted – and not for corruption like the Cabinet Secretaries under President Swamp Builder but for attempting to steal an election and overthrow the Constitution.
Never before will there have been such an exerted effort to:
1. suppress the vote of one party
2. rig the counting of votes so 11,780 votes or whatever number is needed will be disqualified
3. have the state legislator appoint the Electors
4. gerrymander the Representative districts to ensure control of the House.
We will not need to wait for the 2024 elections for a Constitutional crisis. It is already here.
The Trumpican Party may not even need to steal the election through an insurrection. Its control of the election infrastructure may be sufficient to provide a legitimate win based on the laws which have been put in place.
Let’s look at the 435 Trumpican candidates in the excessively gerrymandered Congressional districts:
1. a small number of the candidates such as Jim Jordan and Scott Perry will be under indictment for obstruction of the election. The House Select Committee will have its report out well before the election yet alone the end of its term on December 31. The report even will be out in time for the Department of Justice to act before the campaign season is underway. The only remaining question is whether the DOJ actually will act.
The indicted Congressional candidates may even wear their indictments as a badge of honor as Steve Bannon is doing. They saw the election was being stolen. They acted to help the rightful winner be returned to the White House. They are heroes who attempted the save the country for Real Americans from, you know, those people. Trumpicans will regard this indicted seditionists as heroes. Of course, everything they say on the campaign trail can and will be used against them in a court of law. They may be gambling on dragging out the case until they can be pardoned after the 2024 election.
2. a large number totaling around 200 candidates will be people who did not actively participate in the planning of the attempted coup. Instead they actively participated in the cover up or whitewashing of it. These people can be identified from their votes:
* Not to accept electors on January 6 so the results could be overturned
* Not to impeach the Hitman for his efforts to steal the election
* Not to hold Steve Bannon in contempt for disobeying a subpoena
* Not to hold Mark Meadows in contempt for disobeying a subpoena.
This list may be lengthened as the 2022 year unfolds.
3. new candidates who support the Big Lie but were not in Congress at the time to act in its behalf. Some of them may have acted on the state level to support forensic audits to overturn the results as well voter suppression to eliminate the chance of a Trumpican defeat in 2024.
4. the two Republicans remaining in the House will be gone next term. One already has withdrawn from running and the other trails badly in polls against her primaried Trumpican opponent (although she has outraised her).
The net result of all these machinations will a House where the majority of members pledge their loyalty to a person who sought to steal an election and not to the Constitution. That is a Constitutional crisis beginning January 2023.
At present there is not a Constitutional crisis but simply an extremely odd situation. The people who support the attempt to steal the election are not in the majority. Due to the control by the Democratic Speaker over the Democratic members, even in a near parity House, the Trumpicans are not in control or able to undermine the Democratic hold. The inmates have not yet taken over the asylum. The rule of law still prevails.
As things stand now, that condition will no longer be true come January 2023. It is not unusual for the out-of-power Party to win in the midterms of the first-term President. But this time, the stakes are higher. A switch from Democratic control of the House of Representatives means that the criminals will be in charge – those who helped plan the attempted steal, those who supported covering up the attempted steal, and those who support the Big Lie.
Should the Trumpican House of Representatives in 2023 be considered legitimate?
The question facing the Democratic Party and the country in 2023 is should anything done by a pro-sedition House of Representatives be treated as law?
How exactly will the United States be governed starting in January 2023, if one of the Houses of Congress declines to accept Joe Biden as the legitimately elected President of United States?
If the Trumpican House doesn’t consider Biden to be legitimate then why should he consider it to be legitimate?
Way back in July/August 2020, Anne Applebaum asked in an article “The Collaborators” (Atlantic):
What would it take for Republican leaders to admit to themselves that Trump’s loyalty cult is destroying the country they claim to love?
The obvious answer 16 months and an attempted coup later is “Nothing.” People keep thinking that there is some straw that will break the camel’s back, some point when Republicans say “Enough is enough!” There has not been a Howard Baker moment and there is not going to be one. Even the Trumpicans including a son and the Foxhub hosts could not get through to him on January 6. He was having the time of his life watching his people fight for him to restore him to power and only when the effort failed could he roused to take some action about the people he loves.
Far from there being a moment when Applebaum’s question will be answered at some breaking point, the trend is the exact opposite.
The Number 1 Republican in House displayed momentary outrage when his life was endangered. Since then he has become a gutless, spineless, craven embarrassment. Even though he is on the Trump list never to be removed, he remains submissive.
The Number 3 Republican in the House did reach that breaking point after January 6. Since then she has been removed from her position, practically run out of the party at home, and primaried. She joins a small group of profile in courage Republicans who withstood the assault and have paid the price.
The potential 1 Republican in the Senate has called it quits. He has seen what happened to Republican Senators like Jeff Flake and Bob Corker. He has seen who replaced Lamar Alexander. He fears the Trumpicans who will replace Republicans like Richard Shelby of Alabama, Rob Portman of Ohio and Roy Blunt of Missouri. He sees the quality of Trumpican candidates in Georgia and Pennsylvania (now withdrawn). He knows that the current Number 1 Republican is under attack and his supporters will be fewer after the 2022 elections. So Thune is at his breaking point and he is the one who is broken. Time to call it quits and go home.
And as things stand now Joe Biden will never name a Supreme Court judge either.
Right now in America, it is dark before the darker. In 2020, Wisconsin Trumpicans submitted a false slate of Electors and have paid no consequence. They are still trying to reverse the results. There literally are no limits to what they will do to elect their Lord and Savior, the Chosen One, Blessed Be his Name, Say Hallelujah. Meanwhile the Democrats bring a plastic spoon to a gun fight and wonder why they are losing.