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Trump’s Riviera versus Gaza’s Riviera: River to the Sea

From out of nowhere our President has wreaked havoc in the Middle East with his suggestion to create a Riviera on the Mediterranean without the people who live there now. This suggestion from Earth 2 is so off-the-wall he neglected to even to mention it to anyone before springing it upon an unsuspecting world.

At some level he may have realized that even to mention it to anyone on Earth 1 would subject him to ridicule. Even when surrounded by his Flying Monkeys who support whatever he says and does, Trump has the skill to recognize when people are laughing inside at the lunacy of his suggestion. Hence the need to spring it on the world so even the Flying Monkeys have to rally round their leader while the rest of the world remains aghast.

Somehow in his child-like understanding of the real world:

1. Over 2,000,000 would peacefully and happily relocate to a place that is nice and beautiful even though it is not their home
2. Land somewhere would be found perhaps in one of the neighboring countries which are more than willing to accept over 2,000,000 Palestinians… except that they are not.
3. And once the land had been cleared of rubble, debris, and military ordinance a sparkling new Riviera could arise from the ashes, a Trumpviera that would put everything he has built so far in his life to shame.

Right now all the Arab and Palestinian Americans who refrained from voting for Harris must be jumping up and down in joy for what God’s gift to humanity is offering them. So too all the progressives who must be thankful that they did not vote for Harris either. Little did they know what Trump had in store for them.


Let’s stop and think for a moment before throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Right now there is a stalemate between two opposing ideas for Gaza: will it be occupied by Israel or ruled by Hamas. Either way the people of Gaza lose. Yet no one has any idea how to break the stalemate with a plan for the future.

The Gazans themselves are almost always overlooked. All Gazans are not Hamas. In fact very few are. The Gazans suffer at the hands of the Israelis only during the intermittent wars plus from the blockades. The Gazans suffer at the hands of Hamas every day.

The Gazans did not want October 7. The Gazans know that if Hamas remains in power it is only a matter of time before the next round of fighting. The Gazans know that they will bear the brunt of the next round. Even now, there are many Gazans who would like to vote with their feet and leave Gaza hopefully for a place without ruins and the sword of Damocles perpetually hanging over their head. Yet for some strange reason, American college campuses think the Gazans want to be ruled by Hamas and that the chant “river to the sea” applies only to Gazans. Apparently it never occurred to them that Gazans do not want to be ruled by Hamas and that Israelis support “river to the sea” too.

Suppose our President instead had proposed a Gaza Riviera instead of a Trump Riviera. Suppose the resort builder had presented to the world a plan to create a Gaza Riviera, something no has suggested so far. Suppose he proposed a vision with beaches, hotels, stores, restaurants, recreation areas, a port for tourist ships, an airport for tourist flights, and roadways and transportation links to connect them. Suppose he had suggested connecting Gaza to the West as Tel Aviv is and Beirut once was. What would the reaction have been then?

How many people (Gaza jobs) would it take to clear the area so this vision could be fulfilled?

How many people (Gaza jobs) would it take to build the vision?

How many people (Gaza jobs) would it take to operate the vision?

True he had failed in Atlantic City but this time he would not be on his own.

Think of the difference in the response, if he had proposed an adult vision to bring peace to the area. Biden had rallied nations to the cause to resist the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Bush had rallied a coalition of the willing in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Now an American president would create a coalition of nations and international organizations to build a better tomorrow in Gaza. Even China might want in on the gargantuan project. For creating such a coalition on behalf of the Gazans, he might even win a Nobel Peace Prize.


As a gesture of good faith towards the construction of a beautiful and nice place where the Gazans could live in peace and with hope for the future, the Democrats should pledge $100 billion in the next budget to build such a place for the Gazans. Since neither Jordan nor Egypt wants 2 million Gazans in the land, another location needs to be found. The best location is Gaza itself where the people living there could help build a better tomorrow for themselves.

When all is said and done, the American President has shown a path forward towards peace in the Middle East. Democrats should not waste this opportunity.

One thought on “Trump’s Riviera versus Gaza’s Riviera: River to the Sea

  1. Good Morning Peter,

    Thanks very much for your article “Trump’s Riviera versus Gaza’s Riviera: River to the Sea” and your conclusion:

    “When all is said and done, the American President has shown a path forward towards peace in the Middle East.

    Democrats should not waste this opportunity.”

    My understanding from the Speaker of the House is that the Trump modus operandi is to break the rack and pick off a ball at a time.

    Out of nowhere, I agree, President Trump set the world on its head by announcing the Trump Riviera idea. But now everyone seems to be falling over themselves coming up with a better solution.

    President Trump will be President for four years and likely JD will follow.

    Referring to Earth 2 is part of the problem. There is only one earth, and we all must agree.

    The notion that Trump was “…springing it upon an unsuspecting world…” seems to imply that Trump was creating chaos.

    How many dead Palestinians are dead? Forty thousand? Plus, it continues!!!

    The Wizard of Oz imagery isn’t helpful and a bit off from my view.

    Trump is the Wizard of Oz and the Wicked Mitch McConnel, and the Flying Monkeys are the Senate.

    But that doesn’t help.

    You suggest that “…the rest of the world remains aghast….”.

    Why weren’t we aghast before 7 October?

    I agree it is sheer stupidity to suggest that 1.) “…over 2,000,000 would peacefully and happily relocate to a place that is nice and beautiful even though it is not their home.

    That 2.) Land somewhere would be found perhaps in one of the neighboring countries which are more than willing to accept over 2,000,000 Palestinians… except that they are not.

    And 3.) Once the land had been cleared of rubble, debris, and military ordinance a sparkling new Riviera could arise from the ashes, a Trump Viera that would put everything he has built so far in his life to shame….”

    Candidate Harris was not a solution to what ails America. I believe America voted for change.

    President Trump has been in office for two months. The sky is not falling.


    “…Let’s stop and think for a moment before throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

    The Gazans themselves are almost always overlooked. All Gazans are not Hamas….”

    How many Hamas in Gaza, we don’t know. How many has Israel killed?

    In fact, Hamas has many allies and sympathizers around the Middle East.

    The solution you suggest sounds like a plan already in existence called the Oasis Plan.

    I just e-mailed to you links to the plan.

    “…The Gazans suffer at the hands of the Israelis not only during the intermittent wars plus from the blockades. The Gazans suffer at the hands of Hamas every day…”

    The answer to why October 7 happened can be found in the flames of injustice since the establishment of the Jewish State.

    That there is a Jewish State is not the problem. The Palestinians have been disinherited from their native and now suffer genocide.

    No matter if Hamas remains in power the Gazans will still have the sword of Damocles perpetually hanging over their head.

    We should be clear what we mean when we chant “river to the sea” applies only to Gazans.

    “…Apparently it never occurred to them that Gazans do not want to be ruled by Hamas and that Israelis support “river to the sea” too….” – protestors?

    Our President did propose a Gaza Riviera when he proposed a vision with beaches, hotels, stores, restaurants, recreation areas, a port for tourist ships, an airport for tourist flights, and roadways and transportation links to connect them. Connecting Gaza to the West as Tel Aviv is and Beirut once was.

    “…How many people (Gaza jobs) would it take to clear the area so this vision could be fulfilled?

    …How many people (Gaza jobs) would it take to build the vision?

    …How many people (Gaza jobs) would it take to operate the vision?…”

    “…Biden had rallied nations to the cause to resist the Russian invasion of Ukraine…” – I beg your pardon on historic perspective.

    “…Bush had rallied a coalition of the willing in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait…” – and paved the way for his idiot son to invade Iraq.

    “ Now an American president would create a coalition of nations and international organizations to build a better tomorrow in Gaza. Even China might want in on the gargantuan project. For creating such a coalition on behalf of the Gazans, he might even win a Nobel Peace Prize.”


    As a gesture of good faith towards the construction of a beautiful and nice place where the Gazans could live in peace and with hope for the future, our Congress (not just Democrats) should pledge $100 billion in the next budget to build such a place for the Gazans. Since neither Jordan nor Egypt wants 2 million Gazans in the land, another location needs to be found. The best location is Gaza itself where the people living there could help build a better tomorrow for themselves.

    When all is said and done, the American President has shown a path forward towards peace in the Middle East. Democrats should not waste this opportunity.

    That was your message played back with areas of agreement and not.

    I will check in again to your website.

    Thanks for your efforts.

    Dan Glover
    90 Stroudwater Street
    Westbrook, ME 04092
    TEL: 207-854-1466

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