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Did the Confederates Win the War of Northern Aggression?

Kevin Seefried carries a Confederate flag as he protests in the Capitol Rotunda, Jan. 6, 2021. (Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images)

America’s second Civil War has been in the news as of late. Even as we begin the celebration of the 250th anniversary of America’s first Civil War as part of the American Revolution and fight the third Civil War right now in the presidential election, the second Civil War remains a flashpoint in American political life.

Two recent events by Republican presidential candidates highlight the ongoing importance of the second Civil War. The first concerns a puffball question about the causes of the war which the candidate muffed. The second involves the unsolicited comments by the former president on the negotiating skills of the alleged greatest president in American history which will be addressed in a future blog.

While there has been a great deal of press coverage regarding slavery question, it still needs to be put in context to borrow a phrase from some former Ivy League school presidents.


The traditional official answer by the winning side has been that the war of northern aggression was over slavery. No attention or credence was given to the designation of the war as the war of northern aggression or the issue of states’ rights. Here we may observe a double example of the winners writing history and of the loser bearing a grudge for over 160 years. It’s another example of elitists not listening to the people in the flyover states or taking them seriously.

Now consider these issues:

Covid vaccine
Food aid for children
Gun control
Immigration (Texas)
Medicaid Expansion
School vouchers
Voter Suppression.

How many of these issues were issues back before the Civil War? How many of them involve slavery (not racism but slavery)? How many of them involve a states’ rights component?

The federal government back then was not the federal government today. It was not as involved in the daily life of citizens as the government is today. There was mail delivery. There were tariffs. Sometimes there was Sabbath laws. But by and large, the federal government did not intervene at the state or individual level the way it does today.

Up until the Civil War, slavery was the main way the federal government and northern abolitionist elitists had of trying to alter the way the Confederates did things. Abolitionists then weren’t call “woke.” Instead they were called “Damn Yankees,’ a derogatory term referring to the manner of discourse by condescending arrogant visible saints, the elect of God, mentally and morally superior people who had no hesitation in expressing that superiority. They were seeking to redeem the Confederacy as a whole and the Confederates individually from their sinful ways. There was no “come let us reason together” and perhaps none was possible. It was a zero sum dialog where sooner or later the result would be physical war. The election of Lincoln was the straw the broke the Confederates’ back. Starting with South Carolina, home of the true origin of racism and systemic slavery in this country, leading the way, the secession began.

Here we are over 160 years later and the Confederates are still fighting for states’ rights. How do Confederates feel about the:

Department of Education
Obama Care?

They are always trying to defund and/or destroy these national initiatives along with all safety net programs. Slavery may be gone but racism remains. So does states’ rights. In addition, Confederates would rather play Russian roulette with their own lives than admit that Covid is real and that vaccines work. These actions show a fairly deep commitment to not allowing elitists telling them how to lead their lives that goes beyond the issue of slavery.


Now Confederates stand on the brink of taking control of the federal government. The flag-waving Confederate in the Capitol on January achieved more than Robert E. Lee ever was able to any military campaign. Only after the war at Arlington would he be so close to the Capitol.

In the House of Representatives, weak Republicans have been pushed aside. True the Republican Party is now the MAGA Party or the Trump Party, but there is a strong Confederate base foundational to those developments. It was sad listening to some people in Iowa act as if the Republican Party was still the party of Lincoln.

Republican leaders [in Iowa] are conscious of the critiques and eager to push back on any characterization that the party has shifted from its abolitionist roots.

“Quite frankly, I’m getting damn tired of the re-interpretation of history that I hear from Democrats,” Iowa Republican Party chair Jeff Kaufmann said at the state party’s annual legislative breakfast Tuesday. “The Republican Party emerged because Democrats would not give on slavery.” Republicans were founded “because somebody needed to take a bold, uncompromising stand on human rights and civil liberties. That is not woke. That is a fact,” said Kaufmann, the Iowa GOP chair. “We are the party of Abraham Lincoln. We have always been the party of Abraham Lincoln” The Civil War keeps coming up for Republican candidates. It reflects tensions inside the GOP (Matt Brown, AP, January 13, 2024).

Abraham Lincoln was a “last best hope of humanity,” built the transcontinental railroad, launched the Homestead Act, and supported the Land Grant colleges. All of these were big federal programs for their times.

Many of these northern Republicans are descendants of people who died in the Civil War. Robert E. Lee is not their hero. Statues to honor generals who killed their ancestors are not a priority to people who admire Lincoln. Nor is the Confederate flag. Yet one does no hear much about them in the battle for the Republican nomination. They have been swept up into the MAGA maelstrom … unless you were to take away their agricultural subsidies, social security, Medicare, and take away their ability to hire the workers they need to work their fields and operate their plants. But this part of the Republican Party, people who sang The Battle Hymn of the Republic, are casualties of the Confederate and trump takeover of the Republican Party today.

There is no place for Lincoln in the current Republican Party no matter how much the Lincoln admirers claim the party is still the party of Lincoln.

Swamp Builder, Slave Catcher, Felon: A Day in the Life of Donald Trump

Slave Patrol (Wikimedia, public domain)

Is your head spinning? Mine is. Hard to keep up with all that is going on. News items that would generate attention fall by the wayside as newer news pops up. Sometimes even while waiting for a magical hour when a decision is going to be made about one thing, one finds one’s self overwhelmed by real BREAKING NEWS.

In this blog, I will attempt to sort out some of the issues which would be standalone items in other circumstances but instead are hurry up and get out of the way. There is another item rushing down the tracks.


Once upon a time not so long ago there were people in the United States, mainly Confederate based, called slave catchers. Their job was to hunt down runaway slaves and to return them to their rightful owners as the law was so defined then. And if by “accident” they captured a free African as in Twelve Years a Slave, who cared. What was important was the money to be made by taking people from the North and “returning” them to the South.

Even give the existence of slavery, there was a catch. The person captured in the North was being captured in a state where slavery had been banned. These actions raised all sorts of legal questions about the legitimacy of taking someone from a free state and transporting them to a slave state.

Yet that is exactly what Confederate states and others are attempting to do in the present. Only this time the issue is not the entire body, just portions of it. The Confederates today are asserting the same authority and control over the body of women that they once had over Africans. This time the control is through abortion. First, the Confederates ban it in their own states. Then the Confederates ban it for people from their state who travel to another state for the procedure. The Confederate states want your medical records. No matter where you go and what is legal there, you are still subject to the laws of your home state. These abortion catchers claim legal jurisdiction over you even if you are in another state jurisdiction.

Once again we are witnessing the divorce of the country at work. The United States is becoming two countries legally and politically even if there is no formal succession. This process of division is only likely to accelerate. Under ordinary circumstances, one would think the 21st century version of slave catchers where Confederate men seek full control of the bodies of women in Confederate states would warrant more attention. But it is just another news item in the torrential outpouring of events from Hurricane Trump.


In 2016, Swamp Builder pledged to appoint the finest people and judges who would reverse Roe v. Wade. Mission accomplished. Trump succeeded in appointing more incompetent and/or crooked people to cabinet positions than any other President. If they were not being prosecuted, it was only because his trusted Attorney General had no interest in doing so.

When it came to judges, the Federalist Society and Mitch McConnell had list of people ready to be appointed, no questions asked. Swamp Builder got the Supreme Court he wanted and the judges he wanted. The reversal of Roe v. Wade fulfilled a national promise. Now he is hoping that one of his federal judges will rescue him from some of the crimes he committed.

In the meantime, he is preparing for the Executive branch he will inherit in 2025. Now he and his supporters know how the federal government operate. They know who can prevent the immature child with the emotional maturity of a three-year-old from playing President where he can do whatever he wants and make money doing it. This time around if the opportunity presents itself, a cadre of MAGAs are ready to do to the Executive branch what they did to the Supreme Court the first time around.

These MAGAs are much more organized and knowledgeable than the person they serve. They can identify all the independent arms of the government which should reined in and placed under the direct control of the President. Shades of being king. Shades of following what other authoritarian leaders around the world have done. The consolidation of power in one person will eviscerate the system of checks and balances which has maintained our freedom from government control.

The people who are most vociferous in exclaiming the need and right for individuals to maintain an arsenal under the Second Amendment are the ones most eager for Joe Biden to have vast new powers should he win again. Obviously, MAGAs are anticipating that with voter suppression that will never happen. The ability of state legislatures to decide who wins in state has been curtailed. But somehow it never occurs to MAGA that the imperial authoritarian President they are creating would one day have the power to turn against them. Under ordinary circumstances, one would think the 21st century version of seeking authoritarian rule by Donald Trump would warrant more attention. But it is just another news item in the torrential outpouring of events from Hurricane Trump.


Where do you begin to tell the story of the most impeached President and indicted former President in the history of the United States? And this does not even include the civil and criminal cases against him and his organization. Is there any day on the calendar when he won’t be involved in a legal matter in some way? And there is more to come.

The accepted wisdom as pronounced by the elitists is that these accumulated cases will have no impact on the loyal support of the Congressional weenies, Congressional morons, and MAGA base. So far that judgment appears correct. He is a lock on being the nominee in 2024. The one supposed challenger has self-destructed even before any primary votes have been held. At this point in time there is no one who is even a remote threat to his renomination. That is an achievement in its own right.

However, time does not stand still. Even people who only get there news from Foxhub, will at some point realize that their Lord and Savior, the Holy One, Blessed Be his Name, has an extraordinary number of legal cases in which he is involved. They are so many it is hard to find time to schedule all his court appearances. As his freedom of speech to insult people is curtailed by judicial order, his professional political wrestling rallies may even become more incoherent, dumb, and self-centered. He is not fighting for MAGAs, he is fighting for himself.

The proof will be when the trials actually begin. He will not even defend himself in a court of law, only on social media, Foxhub, and professional political wrestling rallies. No one will take the stand on his behalf either. The witnesses testifying against him will all be Republicans or his employees with nary a weaponized Department of Justice agent in sight. The constant drumbeat of how he was not only a loser for himself but for others who took up the mantra that the election was stolen will cause some people out of self-preservation not courage to say enough is enough. How stupid a human being do you have to be run in 2024 on a platform of the 2020 election was stolen given the failure in 2022?

So besides an election campaign based on:

Hunter Biden and the corrupt Biden family
Crooked Hillary
Genius Putin

add to it:

the control of the bodies of women no matter where they go
consolidating power in the hands of the most impeached, indicted, convicted candidate in the history of American Presidential politics the 2020 election was stolen.

Does that seem like a winning hand?