Many factors contribute to the election of an American President. In the last election one can point to the shortcomings of the Democratic candidate, the Russian violation of America on behalf of the Republican candidate, and the ability of the longtime Democrat and Clinton supporter to con Republicans into thinking he was a conservative who cared about them. Yet despite the supposedly massive switch of Obama voters to Republican voters and the Russian assistance, the Republican Party once again lost the popular vote as it has done on a recurring basis throughout the Baby Boom era.
Frequently overlooked in the election analysis is the role of the Politically Correct. Through the longtime manipulation of demographic data, they provided the opportunity for the Republican voters who were terrified by that data to be conned. I was reminded of this fact during a recent poll, perhaps in the aftermath of the State of Union but it does not really matter. The poll divided the respondents into different demographic groups. One such group was non-Hispanic whites.
Have you ever seen a poll with separation of whites into non-Slavic whites? How about non-Celtic whites? Or non-Germanic whites? Non-Nordic whites? Non-Latin whites? Why the segregation of non-Hispanic whites from other whites in the poll? Are they also segregated from non-Hispanic whites in census counts unlike the other groups of whites? What effect does this separation have on the totaling of the number of whites in the country? How does that distortion play out in the minds of the voting public?
The separation of the whites into categories depresses the count of white people in the country the same way the one-drop rule increases the count of black people in the country. The classification system is rigged. Instead of wasting its time on imaginary illegal voting by people running around a polling location and changing clothes, the weeny party of stupid would be better advised to focus on how it is being played by the politically-correct demographic classification system being used.
For example, you might think that if the poll separated non-Hispanic whites from other white people that it would then give the polling results of Hispanic whites as well. No such number was provided at least not in the newspaper account I was reading. There was a listing for Hispanic results however. So what happened to the Hispanic whites? There were deliberately excluded from the white total and then apparently combined with peoples of multiple races as Hispanics. How’s that for rigging the numbers!
What about non-Hispanic blacks? The poll simply provided a total for blacks. There was no differentiation between non-Hispanic blacks and blacks. So where are the blacks from Cuba, Brazil, and Jamaica included? Are they combined with middle-passage blacks or are they considered Hispanics too? It would be helpful if the Thought Police provided guidelines as to how people are being classified racially for identity politics. Imagine if you were a Nazi German who fled to South America and your grandchildren came to America…would they be Hispanic? Would they be people of color?
An example related to this question recently occurred in Brazil. The fashion director of Vogue magazine’s Brazilian edition was just obligated to resign due to some photographs that alluded to the black slave labor in Brazil’s past. No, the white editor did not appear in blackface like a Virginian politician but the setting of the photographs suggested a reference to Brazil’s black slave past. Brazil today has a population where blacks and biracial people are over 50% of the population and everyone knows in what category they belong. So when Brazilian whites, blacks, biracial, and Indians come to the United States are they all Hispanic? Are they all brown people?
The issue of American Indians bears further analysis. In the United States there are Indian nations or tribes. Demographically they are categorized separately from other peoples. What about Indian peoples from south of the American border. How are they classified? Consider this letter from my local paper (2/15/19) entitled “I’m not Latin:”
Let me start off this letter by saying that I’m not Latin nor am I Hispanic, Latino, Spanish, or Latin American. These wildly misleading terms for Spanish-speaking Americans are implicative of European colonization and its culturally-corrosive ethos. My family heritage is that of the Quechua peoples of Ecuador, and many Spanish-speaking individuals I’ve encountered find offense in being subjected to a label that misconstrues their ethnicity (i.e., “Latin”). I consider myself an Indigenous Americano, so don’t call me or my Central and South American neighbors “Latin” or any of the misguided aforementioned labels.
The claim to be “indigenous” is suspect itself. Lately there has been a lot of news about DNA research on humans back in Paleolithic and Neolithic times. Here is how the New York Times reported on the arrival of the first humans in the Americas (“A Migrant Wave, Ages Ago, From North to South,” 11/9/18):
The earliest known arrivals from Asia were already splitting into recognizably distinct groups…Some of these populations thrived becoming the ancestors of indigenous peoples throughout the hemisphere.
WHAT! People who migrated from Asia to the Americas are the ancestors of indigenous peoples! What does it mean to be indigenous then? If peoples migrated from Europe to America, how long before they can be considered the ancestors of indigenous people too? The Spanish have been here 500 years. The Dutch and English 400 years. Black Africans 400 years in the United States as of 2019. At what point do people from somewhere else become indigenous? How could one reporter write such nonsense in consecutive sentences? How come an editor did not catch it? Welcome to the warped language of the Politically Correct.
This complaint by the Quechua individual about not being Hispanic resembles the words and comments made about another bogus politically-correct people, Asian-Americans. In an article “What a Fraternity Hazing Death Revealed About the Painful Search for an Asian-American Identity” by Jay Caspian Kang (NYT 8/13/17), the author writes:
Asian-American’’ is a mostly meaningless term. Nobody grows up speaking Asian-American, nobody sits down to Asian-American food with their Asian-American parents and nobody goes on pilgrimages back to their motherland of Asian-America….My Korean upbringing, I’ve found, has more in common with that of the children of Jewish and West African immigrants than that of the Chinese and Japanese in the United States — with whom I share only the anxiety that if one of us is put up against the wall, the other will most likely be standing next to him.
A comment on that article expressed a similar attitude:
Thank you for this article. I think you really captured the particular neurosis that is the “Asian American” identity. I am second-gen Asian American and mixed, and I agree, I really have no idea what that means, beyond the attendant stereotypes…
At times, people needed to be instructed that they were Asian.
I didn’t know I was Asian until I came to America at age 14 from Korea. Asia was a large connected piece of land that did not confer any identity on me until I came to the US. Growing up in Michigan, I felt at times “Asian-American” felt like an identity concentration camp where white Americans shove all the foreigners who spoke goobledegooky languages into one category. It took about 20 years for me to feel comfortable describing myself as an Asian-American – that made-up identity.
Yet on 10/1/2018, the New York Times (“When Turkey’s Big Plans Fall Short”) dared to refer in the article on development in Istanbul to Turkey’s “Asian shore.” Didn’t it get the memo? Sure Turkey was what the Greeks meant when they invented the word Asia but Turkey and Persia are no longer part of Asia in the alternate reality of the Politically Correct. The Orient Express now really ended in Korea not Turkey! And Caucasians from Asia aren’t white people either. Now only East Asians and Southeast Asians are Asian-Americans while Central Asians and Southwest Asians (the Middle East) are not. South Asians seem to go both ways depending on who is doing the counting.
To sum up, the current politically-correct demographic classification system is rigged. In a world of identity politics it is essential that there be strict guidelines over how people can classify themselves. For example, you can just go up to an Indian nation and demand a cut of the casino earnings. Tribes have established guidelines prospective members have to meet before they can pass themselves as members of the tribe and collect.
We need to do the same nationally. If you are going to represent yourself as being a member of a particular hyphen, you need to be able to prove it. Calling biracial people of black and white ancestry “black” is racist. You only have to look at the people who pass for blacks to realize how racist a society we are.
The manipulation of this demographic information isn’t just by chance. Given the deliberate minimization of the white and Caucasian numbers, given that biracial people are generally categorized by their minority race (Obama, Harris), and given the one-drop rule (Sally Hemmings is 75% white!) one observes a method to this madness. Demographer Dowell Myers, University of Southern California, witnessed the impact in 2008 when the garbage-in data produced results that in 2042 non-Hispanic whites would be a minority people in America (“Racial Projection by the Census Is Making Demographers Uneasy,” NYT 11/23/18):
Dr. Myers watched as progressives, envisioning political power, became enamored with the idea of the coming white minority. He said it was hard to interest them in his work on ways to make the change seem less threatening to fearful whites….”It was conquest, our day has come,” he said of their reaction. “They wanted to overpower them with numbers. It was demographic destiny.”
Remember when Germans weren’t white and then they were? When Irish weren’t white and then they were? When Italians weren’t white and then they were? One day Hispanic whites will be white people too. One day Caucasians from Asia and Africa will be white people too. And one day the intermarriage which has, is, and will occur will wreak havoc on the projections the Politically Correct love.
The irony of all this is that it is the Republicans who have accepted the politically-correct classification system hook, line, and sinker. The Politically Correct have foisted a bogus classification system on the country where people are expected to be authentic, true to their hyphens, and not be a traitor. The classification system is rigged. Furthermore, if a person objects to that system and wants to be treated as an individual human being, there is no party of Lincoln to reach out to them to welcome them. Instead the weeny part of stupid is too fearful and terrified to expose it as fraudulent. Instead the Republican Party accepts the validity of the politically-correct classification that a demographic deluge is coming to take their country away from them. What are people to do given the apocalyptic doom that is caravaning to America’s southern border? Who will protect us from being destroyed by the politically correct peoples flooding the land? It is God’s plan that our Lord and Savior draw a line in the sand so real America will triumph. And America’s 21st century Elmer Gantry has heeded the call. The Donald Trump presidency is the price America pays for being politically correct.
See also
Did Little Syria in Lower Manhattan Consist of Asian-Americans? – Issue for the 2020 Census