Good morning, Mr. Horowitz. Your mission Michael, should you decide to accept it, is to prevent the overthrow of the duly-elected President of the United States. The presidentially-authorized spying must be exposed. Adam Schiff is involved. It is the greatest corruption scandal in the history of the United States. As always, should you or any of your DOJ Force be caught or killed, the Attorney General will disavow any knowledge of your actions.
For weeks if not months on end, we heard Sean Hannity play a version of these words. The Horowitz probe would reveal the greatest threat to the American rule of law ever experienced by this country. Heads were going to roll. People were going to prison. The Deep State would die. Hannity gleefully looked forward to these traitors receiving their just punishment. But alas, it was not to be. The Horowitz investigation joined similar other investigations into the corruption at the highest level that amounted to nothing. The still-awaited Durham report also was touted again and again by Hannity and the Foxhub staff. Still waiting.
Now we have arrived at the Horowitz sequel. The disappointing for Hannity first movie proved to be a dud. Nothing untoward was exposed. It was all a lot of Nothingburger. But hope springs eternal and nothing can dissuade loyal Trumpicans that there was corruption at the highest level of government. Once again Michael Horowitz and his team have been charged with the task of exposing presidential corruption in involving one of Hannity’s favorite whipping boys. However this time, Schiff was the target of the corruption and not the alleged instigator.
Donald Trump is always guilty.
Not only is Donald Trump always guilty, he is always guilty of criminal actions you did not even think off.
There still is no rock bottom. Look at what has transpired in just the last few days. First there was Don McGahn’s testimony on how he had resisted the criminal requests from the President of the United States to obstruct a criminal investigation by the DOJ. No sooner had you caught your breath than the next bombshell hit. There really had been presidential spying and it involved Adam Schiff. No sooner had you caught your breath then another bombshell hit. Because McGahn would not play ball with the most corrupt President in the history of the United States, he too had been a target of presidentially-authorized spying.
At this point one wonders what is next. I shudder to write this blog knowing that it can be eclipsed at any moment. Horowitz has work cut out for him. There are going to be many sequels.
It seems unlikely that Hannity and Foxhub will be cheering during the Horowitz Sequel.
I first referred to Bill Barred-for-Life in a blog Will Mike Pence Become a Profile in Courage? (October 3, 2019) (the question was a rhetorical one). Now the wheels are in motion for the most corrupt Attorney General in the history of the United States to reap what he has sown. Do you think he understands the meaning of “suggest”? It is up to the Trumpicans in Congress to prevent the investigation of the most corrupt President in the history of the United States from moving forward.
Although Donald Trump is always guilty, convicting him is never easy. The best way to prevent that problem is to indict everyone else first. Take Michael Cohen for example. Once upon a time he would take a bullet for “Mr. Trump” as he still calls him. Then he wised up. He realized that THE DONALD would throw him under the bus without hesitation. Now he sings like a canary. He sings before Congress, He sings before the TV camera. He sings whenever he is interviewed. This is the pattern that should be followed. Convict or grant immunity first as in New York, then indict. Indict the organization. Indict the accountant. Indict the children. Indict the former Attorney General. Indict everyone else whose name pops up in the investigation. They are not above the law. Their opportunity to resist investigation has been curtailed. They are on their own now.
Prosecutors should take advantage of their predicament. Let the accomplices do the dirty work. Let them call Donald Trump to testify as a witness under oath on their behalf. Even they know better than to do something so stupid as to call Donald trump to testify under oath. Every time he takes an oath to tell the truth it is a perjury trap. Better to lose everything then to call him as a witness!
Horowitz has limited time to complete his investigation. At some point in August at a date still not specified, the most corrupt President in the history of the United States will return to the White House. He will be joined by the two losing Senate candidates in Georgia thereby giving the Trumpicans control of the Senate. The new Attorney General, Sydney Powell, will immediately squash the Horowitz witch hunt. Instead she will be compiling lists of the Satan-worshiping pedophiles for execution. Secretary of Homeland Security Mike Flynn will be tasked with preparing the gallows to do the deed. THE STORM IS COMING AND IT WILL BEGIN IN AUGUST 2021.
The press, as expected has been negligent in its reporting of the coming STORM this August. As with the Cyber Ninjas in Arizona, the press coverage has been treating it as a joke, an embarrassment. The press ignores that tens of millions of people will believe the results produced by the Cyber Ninjas that the vote in Arizona was stolen. They will believe it in Georgia too. They will believe it elsewhere as well. THE STORM IS COMING AND IT WILL BEGIN IN AUGUST 2021.
The press should be using the remaining time to prepare for what is to happen, not to dredge up yesterday’s hoaxes. Our Lord and Savior, the Chosen One, Blessed Be his Name, successfully resisted the efforts of Deep State to take him down until they had no recourse but to unleash the Patriots on January 6 to undo the steal. We will see who has the last laugh. THE STORM IS COMING AND IT WILL BEGIN IN AUGUST 2021.
The press should be asking the rightful President when in August he will return to the White House.
The press should be asking the rightful President what preparations he is making for his return.
The press should be asking the rightful President what he intends to do when he returns to the White House.
Brian Williams should knock off that silly count up of days in the Joe Biden administration and instead start a countdown to when the rightful President will return to the White House. THE STORM IS COMING AND IT WILL BEGIN IN AUGUST 2021.
Joe Biden should invite the 45th President to some event at the White House in August. Everything possible should be done to maximize the belief that THE STORM IS COMING AND IT WILL BEGIN IN AUGUST.
Trumpicans should be roused to a state of frenzy in anticipation of what is going to happen. Every day in August they should be asking is today the day. Every day the press should be asking them starting with Marjorie Green Taylor is today the day. THE STORM IS COMING AND IT WILL BEGIN IN AUGUST 2021.
What will Trumpicans do when it does not happen?
Create a new date.