If you listen to Tucker, Laura, and Foxhub and have remained unvaccinated, then you could be entitled to financial compensation possible totaling millions of dollars.
If at any time during this calendar year you heard the talk show hosts on Foxhub warn you about getting a COVID vaccine, you listened to their advice, and became ill from COVID or a loved-one did or both, then you qualify for the Foxhub Financial Relief Settlement Fund. Operators are standing by at 1-800-555-Trump-u to take down your information and to file your complaint.
Due to the high number of people who have been victimized by Foxhub, you may not be able to get through. Please keep trying. It is important that Foxhub be held accountable to for the harm it has caused Americans by instructing them not to be vaccinated and to let nature takes it course and cleanse the herd Act now before all the funds are gone and the network declares bankruptcy.
The crack research team at Foxhub has uncovered a dastardly vaccination policy from the dawn of American history. As it turns out Joe Biden is not the first one to impose slavery on patriotic white people for his own good. Secret files hidden in the Library of Congress tell the story of Washington’s abuse of power.
George Washington’s military genius is undisputed. Yet American independence must be partially attributed to a strategy for which history has given the infamous general little credit: his controversial medical actions. Traditionally, the Battle of Saratoga is credited with tipping the revolutionary scales. Yet the health of the Continental regulars involved in battle was a product of the ambitious initiative Washington began earlier that year at Morristown, close on the heels of the victorious Battle of Princeton. Among the Continental regulars in the American Revolution, 90 percent of deaths were caused by disease, and Variola the small pox virus was the most vicious of them all.
On the 6th of January 1777, George Washington wrote to Dr. William Shippen Jr., ordering him to inoculate all of the forces that came through Philadelphia. He explained that: “Necessity not only authorizes but seems to require the measure, for should the disorder infect the Army . . . we should have more to dread from it, than from the Sword of the Enemy.” The urgency was real. Troops were scarce and encampments had turned into nomadic hospitals of festering disease, deterring further recruitment. Both Benedict Arnold and Benjamin Franklin, after surveying the havoc wreaked by Variola in the Canadian campaign, expressed fears that the virus would be the army’s ultimate downfall.
At the time, the practice of infecting the individual with a less-deadly form of the disease was widespread throughout Europe. Most British troops were immune to Variola, giving them an enormous advantage against the vulnerable colonists. Conversely, the history of inoculation in America (beginning with the efforts of the Reverend Cotton Mather in 1720) was pocked by the fear of the contamination potential of the process. Such fears led the Continental Congress to issue a proclamation in 1776 prohibiting Surgeons of the Army to inoculate.
… Historians estimate that less than a quarter of the Continental Army had ever had the virus; inoculating the remaining three quarters and every new recruit must have seemed daunting…. Weighing the risks, on February 5th of 1777, Washington finally committed to the unpopular policy of mass inoculation by writing to inform Congress of his plan.
Variola raged throughout the war, devastating the Native American population and slaves who had chosen to fight for the British in exchange for freedom. Yet the isolated infections that sprung up among Continental regulars during the southern campaign failed to incapacitate a single regiment. With few surgeons, fewer medical supplies, and no experience, Washington conducted the first mass inoculation of an army at the height of a war that immeasurably transformed the international system. Defeating the British was impressive, but simultaneously taking on Variola was a risky stroke of genius.
Some things never change. What did change is that 250 years ago, the United States had an adult in charge who rose to the occasion. He made a decision in the real world based on the best science available to him. By contrast in 2020, America was governed by a simpleminded immature child with no morals, no ethics, no conscience, no sympathy, and no empathy. When his Mount Rushmore moment of truth arrived, he failed and became the biggest mass murderer of Americans in American history. He is no George Washington.
Would we be preparing to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the birth of this country if Foxhub had existed during the American Revolution? Is there any doubt that Foxhub would have been stoking the flames of resistance against Washington for seeking to impose this vaccination of the troops? Foxhub would have condemned Washington in no uncertain terms. It would have been Tucker’s and Laura’s finest moment.
We should all be bowing our heads in awe at the brilliance of Foxhub in explaining the mystery of evolution in terms anyone could understand…except Trumpicans who reject evolution. The bubonic plague, the Black Death, and all the diseases that kill and maim people are just part of the natural order. Look at Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Did he let polio prevent him from being elected president four times? We should learn from his example and reject the actions of George Washington.
In the meantime, people should sue Foxhub, Tucker, and Laura, for everything they have. Think of those lawyers being held accountable by the judge in Michigan for attempting to perpetrate a fraud in a court room. For them it was all fun and games while they made up one outlandish charge after another for which there was no basis. They acted as if they could say whatever they want without consequences. Now they are finding out there are consequences. Suddenly it is not quite so much fun after all.
The same will be true in Arizona. After the three-ring circus declares Joe Biden to have lost the state bigtime, they will name names of the people responsible for perpetrating this fraudulent vote. At that point the fun and games will be over. The people named as criminals responsible for voter fraud will be suing everyone connected with the forensic audit travesty.
The same should be true for Foxhub. It learned with Seth Rich that it could not just make up conspiracies willy nilly without their being consequences. Evidently the lesson did not sink in. Now it is time to make Foxhub pay the price. Call them and ask for compensation. Call Missouri. Call Tennessee too.