America’s Third Civil War has taken some unusual and unexpected turns. My expectation as previously stated was that the 2020 Presidential Election immediately would lead to the Battle of Gettysburg. The forces of light would battle the forces of darkness in the battle of Armageddon for the future of the country. That is not exactly what happened and back then I had no idea what January 6 was.
When the post-election battle for America was engaged, it was different than expected. It was in one location and not nationwide. The forces arrayed on behalf of the Loser were smaller than I would have anticipated. Plus as bad as the assault on the Capitol was, the Trumpican insurrections did not achieve their objective of overthrowing the Constitutional Republic and replacing it with the Rule of Trump.
No office holders were executed in the attack. Think of how different the reaction might have been if the Trumpicans had hanged Mike Pence or executed Nancy Pelosi. Would the elected Trumpicans in the House and Senate still be as quick to gloss over the insurrection? Would Foxhub? We will never know.
The latest wrinkle in the Third Civil War has been the unleashing of ninjas to reverse the election results and restore the previous President to power. Their first battle is in Arizona. By using advanced ultraviolet technology not deployed in the previous audits of the votes and by tracking bamboo, the ninjas will determine that not only did Biden not win in Arizona, he lost by a huge amount. The fix was in.
The circus–is-in-town ninja audit does not change the facts of what they will claim they found. The possible DOJ interference if it comes will be too late. The ninjas are performing for an audience of one. That individual has expressed how delighted he is over the actions of these Patriots to expose the true lie of the 2020 election. He is counting the seconds until the moment when the ninjas go public and declare the election in Arizona stolen.
The announcement of this result will confirm what tens of millions already know. Whether or not the ninjas will name names, meaning identifying the people who should be prosecuted for perpetrating this fraud remains open. If the ninjas do not, then the Arizona Trumpicans will launch such an investigation to bring these criminals to justice.
The next battle in the ninja campaign to restore the rightful winner likely will be Georgia. Enthusiasm will be mounting as Trumpicans can see victory in sight. In Georgia, the ninjas will find the 11,780 votes that the Republican Secretary of State who needs to be replaced by a Trumpican could not find. Is there any doubt that the ninjas will be successful in not only finding those votes but even more as Biden truly lost the state in a landslide? Whether or not the ninjas will find the Senate votes were compromised too adds a twist to the campaign. Obviously the removal of two fraudulently-elected Georgia Senators would change the complexion of the Senate to the advantage of the Trumpicans right now. Ironically, at the same time as the ninjas will be reversing the Georgia vote, the prosecution of the former President in Georgia will be moving full speed ahead.
At this point, the ninjas will need only one more state to prove that the election was stolen. Exactly which one it will be will prove challenging. Meantime the Trumpicans will be in hyperdrive to finish the job. QAnon will be predicting total victory. The momentum will be unbelievable and the emotions off the chart.
Once the ninjas have exposed the truth of the stolen election then what? There is no doubt that the Loser expects to be returned to the White House now. Can states demand that the true winning slate of electors retroactively be counted in the Electoral College vote thereby reversing the results? There is no provision for that so the request will go to the Supreme Court. It is hard to imagine that it will rule to remove Joe Biden.
How about impeachment? The impeachment of the President is insufficient since Trumpicans do not want the current Vice President to become President now, in 2024, in 2028, or in midterm if the President resigns for health reasons. Besides if the President and the Vice President were removed that would make the Speaker of House the President. Trumpicans certainly do not want that now. Impeachment like the Supreme Court is not a viable option for the returning the Loser to the White House now.
But after the 2022 elections, Trumpicans expect a new Speaker. They take it for granted. So do many Democrats. Still there is no provision anywhere for the Speaker to stand aside to let a losing candidate become President. However, there is an opportunity for the Trumpican Speaker to impeach the Democratic President twice in 2023 and 2024. So what if it does not pass the Senate and he is not removed from office. He will have the stain on his record of having been impeached twice too. The Trumpican Speaker also can initiate investigations into the stolen election.
Realistically, there is no way the Congressional or Supreme Court level to reverse the election results. There is only one remedy for the ninja-revealed proof of the stolen election.
The only remedy in the real world for the results of 2020 is the election of 2024. To those who say (as Michael Cohen does) that 2024 will not be a replay of 2020, I say they are wrong. First he will never leave the stage of his own free will. Second he will have all the proof he needs that he really won in 2020 and the election was stolen. Third he is a person of vengeance. He will be drooling in anticipation of pardoning everybody who is loyal to him, punishing those who are not, and becoming a three-time winner. He will use the stolen election idea as the theme of his candidacy.
So who will be the real losers of the successful ninja campaign to prove the election was stolen? All the soul-sellers who want to be the candidate in 2024 will find that there is no room at the top. The person who controls the Trumpican Party and has the stolen-election issue will be energized to run again. The soul-sellers will have to wait until 2028 at least.
There is a fly in the ointment. I am not referring to the ninjas failing to prove to the satisfaction of the Trumpicans that the election was stolen. I am referring to the 2022 elections. Suppose despite the voter suppression, the traditional loss of seats by the incumbent party in the midterm elections, the retirements, and the reapportionment, the Trumpicans do not seize control of the House yet alone the Senate? What happens if after over three years of anticipation, Kevin McCarthy discovers he sold his soul for nothing and still is out of power? Suppose Democrats follow the successful 2018 model and do not become the Diversity Party of all-race-all-the time? Unfortunately such results seem like a long shot. Still too early to tell but in America’s Third Civil War, Tom Friedman understates the gravity of the situation. The worst is still to come. I have expressed my fears that the United States as we know it will not survive to celebrate its 250th birthday. Expect John C. Calhoun to make a comeback no matter who wins in 2024.