Jim Jordan does not have the courage of his convictions. Nor do any of the conspirators who sought to steal the 2020 presidential election, overthrow the government, and replace the Constitution with the rule of Trump. Even now we are still learning new information about how extensive the conspiracy was in the White House, the House of Representatives, the Senate, the media, and the family of the loser President. Who knows how much more we will learn before the House Select Committee begins to tell the story in public sessions in June?
One of the iconic legacies of the American Revolution is the signing of the Declaration of Independence by John Hancock. He was the first person to sign. He did not merely sign the document, he signed in large “font” so there would be no doubt. His bold action immortalized him in American culture. “Put your John Hancock here” became a way of asking someone to sign a document the way he had when what was becoming the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. King George III had no doubt what the Americans had done.
Let us imagine for a moment that Jim Jordan or any of the conspirators had the courage of their convictions … assuming they had any convictions beyond “winning isn’t the only thing, it’s everything.” Suppose Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, or Jim Jordan was to say something like:
“The election was stolen. We have mountains of evidence to prove that the election was stolen. We have not had the opportunity to present the mountains of evidence to Congress which has been collected in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the election was stolen.”
Then just as the Declaration itemizes 27 charges against King George III, the conspirators would produce a report that:
1. names the names of the people who voted multiple times
2. names the names of the people who voted for dead people
3. names the names of the people who voted in districts not their own
4. names the names of the people who voted who were not American citizens or eligible to vote
5. names the election workers who counted Biden votes more than once
6. names the election workers who did not count Trump voters
7. names the voting machine companies who rigged the counting process
8. names the countries of foreign entities which manipulated the vote.
Strangely enough, the conspirators have produced no such document. They have had every opportunity on their own to produce a report document. So far only Pillowhead has done so when he revealed the secret computer code that had been used. Of course, he is being sued for everything he’s got.
At this point it is safe to say that none of the conspirators will proudly state what they did in an attempt to save the country.
Instead of having the courage of their convictions, what have the conspirators done instead?
Jim Jordan – By now the videos of him responding to questions about his phone calls to the President have made him a laughingstock. On more than one occasion, he has been asked about the phone calls he made on January 6. His responses have been compiled and show him as a person with something to hide and not doing a good job doing it. It is no wonder he has the nickname Gutless Jim Jordan. When you hear the word “gutless,” think Jim Jordan.
Kevin McCarthy – The last week or so has not been kind to the would-be Speaker of the House. He already has been ridiculed for the comparison of what he said in the House of Representatives just after the failed insurrection attempt that threatened his own life and him kissing the ring of his master in Florida days later. It has been known that he was on the phone with the President as the assault was occurring. Now we have the record of what he was saying to his fellow Republican House leaders as well. These conversations included Liz Chaney back when he was in agreement with her and wondering how to implement the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office.
Truth be told, I cannot help but wonder if The New York Times set him up for the kill. First it released the claim of what McCarthy said. Second it allowed him time to refute the accusations. Third, it released the tape exposing him as a liar. Now he has been revealed in a double dose of seditious dishonesty. The result has been the charge that he is a traitor and a liar. So when you hear him referred to as Kevin McLiar, you know exactly who is meant and why.
Marjorie Taylor Greene – No review of the Trump contortionists would be complete without reference to the Representative already renowned before being an airhead. Under oath, she claimed not to remember almost as many times as Roger Stone pleaded the Fifth. She does not even remember when her life was on the line and she was pleading not the Fifth but for help!
In response to her testimony, I could not help but think of one of the great court room exchanges in cinematic history based on real court testimony. In Inherit the Wind, Clarence Darrow is questioning three-time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan on his expertise on the Bible. During the exchange about the lack of any priests to officiate at the marriages of the pre-Flood patriarchs (Gen. 5), Darrow exposes that Bryan does not have an answer for the questions he is posing. The following exchange ensues:
Matthew Harrison Brady (Bryan):
I do not think about things I do not think about.
Henry Drummond (Darrow):
Do you ever think about things that you do think about?
The audience laughs at the nonsense their former hero for what he has just said. I have always assumed that no one other than Bryan himself could ever say something so stupid under oath. I underestimated the airhead mind. For a member of Congress to fake having Alzheimer is something no one could have anticipated. Instead of being Marjorie Taylor Airhead, she has become Marjorie Taylor Alzheimer.
The willingness of members of the House of Representatives to twist themselves into knots on behalf of their Lord and Savior is staggering to behold. Undoubtedly there is more to come.
On The Morning Joe Show, they like to talk about how Trump is a loser. They like to talk about how he lost the presidency, the Senate, and the House, a rare trifecta of defeat in America politics. They like to talk about how the Loser especially contributed to the loss of two Republican Senate seats in Georgia thereby giving the Democrats the majority in the Senate. They also like to talk about the poll results in that state. The loser of one of those Senate races and handpicked candidate by the Loser Kingmaker for the governor’s race on the issue of the stolen election is being trounced.
What you do not hear being talked about on The Morning Joe Show is that McLiar, Gutless, and Alzheimer will be running the House of Representatives in just eight months.