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Why Should Someone Vote for Kamala Harris?

Kamala Harris (Jamie Kelter Davis for POLITICO)

Why should someone vote for Kamala Harris (to be followed by “Why Should Vote for Donald Trump)?

The main reasons are:

1. She is a Democrat.
2. She is a woman.
3. She is Black.
4. She is South Asian.
5. Her abortion position.
6. She is not Trump.
7. Joy.

Why one should not vote for Harris:

1. She is a Democrat.
2. She is a woman.
3. She is Black.
4. She is South Asian.
5. Her abortion position.
6. She is not Trump.
7. Joy.

All the reasons for voting for her also can be used to explain why one should not vote for her.

Notice what is missing from these lists:

New Deal
New Frontier
Great Society
Morning in America
“It’s the economy, stupid.”
Make America Great Again

What phrase would you use to encapsulate the Harris message … or for that matter, the Biden message. Bidenomics?

Everyone knows the MAGA mantra. You can even purchase it on various paraphernalia. By contrast, no phrase or logo comes to mind on behalf of Harris. With but two days to go, there is no chance that there will be one. One has to wonder why even given such supposedly short campaign season and the tons of money from creative type people, nothing has emerged as a defining phrase. “White Dudes for Harris” comes the closet to a catchy phrase that can be on t-shirts, hats, and other items, but obviously is has a very restricted audience. It also suggests that white dudes for Harris represents a minority position as based on all the polls, the majority of white dudes are for Trump.


Given the above, one can witness the Democratic quandary. According to the received wisdom at the dawn of the current century, a demographic tidal wave was supposed to sweep Democrats into power for the foreseeable future. The vaunted “people of color” would propel Democrats to electoral victory.

Obviously that is not what has happened as even the most vigorous proponents of this doctrine now realize and openly admit. “People of color” turns out to be one of the Woke Industrial Complex phrases of limited value in the real world. True, Woke cable TV announcers and their guests, at least on some networks, love to bandy about the phrase as if it has substance on Earth 1 while MAGAs live on Earth 2. The fear of the loss of power by racist white dudes to people of color supposedly will provide the margin of victory for the Black/South Asian female candidate.

And they blithely keep saying this despite the close margin in the polls suggesting otherwise. The slight differences in the polls a mere two days before the general election suggests there is more going on than the Democrats are prepared to admit.


Perhaps the best way to think of these people of color is to recognize their compatibility with the traditional white flyover people. These are the people the coastal elites in academia, business, and government ignore as they make their decisions about what is best for the country. Of course, what is best for them is that they remain in power and reap the goodies.

Immigrants to this country frequently share the same pitfalls that have befallen the white dudes already in the country. The elitists who take their support for granted are gradually learning the folly of such a delusion. Outside the United States, people of color is a term of no meaning. On a more peaceful note simply think of the rivalries in the World Cup. By comparison our sports rivalries are tame. Then keep in mind that sometimes these rivalries spill over into violence.

People of color also is a racist term that defines people in absolute categories based on some supposed color that can’t even be identified. Is every person of color from a third world country united as one based on American Woke classification values? Are the people from a single country also from a single race? Do other countries have multiple races and ethnicities? Do all these often bloody and violent differences from the home country suddenly vanish when they arrive in the United States into one big people of color race?

Actually, they can. They can because these immigrants of color want to be Americans. They don’t want to be told that their new country was born in sin or maybe two sins. They don’t want to see the founders of their new country be toppled. They want to wave the American flag in pride because now they are part of We the People. The naturalization ceremony is one of deeply felt emotions shared with family as they celebrate their becoming American. The Ellis Island dream still lives even though the actual island is a tourist site and the countries of the arriving people has changed.

In short, the Democratic Party has missed the boat.

For that matter, these people of color often have what is characterized as traditional family values. They are not Woke. They do not self-identify using woke terms. Not so much for the people who are pontificating on cable news or charting the school curriculum who love to banter about these woke terms as if they have substantive value outside their self-contained bubble. People of color are some of the biggest advocates of charter schools and they do not want to defund the police.

Finally, it turns out that American sports-watching male people of color like strong male leaders. Even though bone-spear boy is faking it, the image of him as a strong leader resonates with males of all races. Just look at the music lists of the two candidates and try to guess which one is from the male candidate and which is from the female candidate. Which is the one more selections played at male sports events.


If the Republicans had nominated an adult without the criminal record, bigotry, incompetence, and immaturity of the actual nominee, the Democrats would be in serious trouble right now and not simply hoping to eke a victory out.

Why Isn’t Harris Running Away with This?

Kamala Harris (Jamie Kelter Davis for POLITICO)

“Why Isn’t Harris Running Away with This?” is the provocative title of an op-ed piece by David Brooks (NYT, October 18, 2024, print). He wonders why the polls are so immobile. He notes the lack of a strategy by either political party to broaden its electoral reach. Deadlock is the new normal.

He suggests that political parties have replaced religious organizations in our secular age as the venue that provides believers with “meaning, membership and moral sanctification.” This makes the new priesthoods the (social-)media dispensers of truth.

One priesthood consists of the highly-educated urban progressives who work in academia, the media, and activist groups. But their world view is rejected by most Americans. By worldview, Brooks isn’t simply referring to international diplomacy but to domestic issues. This includes racial categories like diversity, equity, and inclusion that risks losing the support of working class people of all races. Or as I put it, there are more people proud to be American and part of We the People than the Woke Industrial Complex cares to admit.

In-other-words, there are a lot more Americans without college degrees than with one. Brooks observes that Trump would be winning by landslides if he combined MAGAs with real Republicans instead of alienating the latter. My contention has been if Republicans nominated an adult Lincoln-like person, they would win in a landslide over the Woke Industrial Complex and irrevocably alter the deadlock that now divides the country.


A couple of days later these two had one of their conversations, “Harris Has an Unexpected Ally,” (NYT October 22, 2024, print) that addresses the question Brooks raised. In that conversation, Stephens addresses not Trump as much as he does Harris.

I fear that Harries is every bit as vacuous behind the scenes as she seems to be on the public stage. I fear she will be tested early by a foreign adversary and stumble badly, whether it’s in stopping Iran from building a nuclear weapon or China from blockading Taiwan or Russia from seizing a portion of a Baltic country. I fear she will capitulate too easily to her party’s left flank, especially when it comes to identity politics, economic policy or polarizing cultural issues.

Here is where it would have been beneficial to the newcomer to the national arena in a short campaign to deliver her State of the Union Address again and again outlining what she would do as President. Instead she delivers micro-addresses to micro audiences trying to move the battle lines inches in the battle ground states. She lost an opportunity to use the bully pulpit and to dare her opponent to deliver his own State of the Union instead of just trash talking.

I fear that she’ll have no domestic policy ideas that don’t involve mindlessly expanding the role of government. I fear she will surround herself with mediocre advisors, like her embarrassingly bad veep pick. I fear she won’t muster the political will to curb mass migration. And I fear that a failed Harris presidency will do more to turbo charge the far right in this country than to diminish it.

And this is from someone who will vote for Harris.

The picture Stephens paints is of someone who lacks the right stuff to go into the arena and with dire consequences for both the country and the Republican Party… and it would be even worse if her opponent won.


 Stephens elaborates on his views a few days later (“If Trump Wins, Who, or What, Will Liberals Blame?, NYT October 25, 2024, print). He identifies a few root causes.

1. The Politics of Condescension – By now it has become a truism that the mentally and morally superior people, the visible saints, the elect of God, have only one way of communicating with lesser beings. It is to remind them that they are lesser beings and that they should be grateful of the opportunity afforded them to improve themselves by following the teachings of their superiors. This is dangerously close to the Confederate explanation of the benefits of slavery. How dare these lesser beings chose to reject the ways of the college and grad-school graduate people.

2. The politics of name-calling – This “happens every time Trump’s voters are told they are racists, misogynists, weird, phobic, low-information or, most recently, supporters of a fascist — and by implication, fascists themselves.” This is not a way to win over voters.

3. The politics of gaslighting – The double dosage of vouching for Biden’s mental acuity while extolling Harris as brilliant and experienced.

4. The politics of highhandedness – Harris didn’t win a single primary vote nor were any even held.

5. The politics of Pollyanna – “Wouldn’t it be better to meet voter concerns rather than tell them they‘re seeing ghosts?”

6. The politics of identity over class- The Democrats are increasingly forsaking their working-class roots.

In just a few days we will know the extent of that abandonment and its consequences.


Nicholas Kristoff issued this caution to Democrats (NYT, September 1, 2024, print).

… too often since 2016, the liberal impulse has been to demonize anyone at all sympathetic to Donald Trump as a racist and bigot….it’s difficult to win votes from people you are disparaging.

Kristoff turns the tables on the elitists.

It has also seemed to me morally offensive, particularly when well-educated and successful elites are scorning disadvantaged, working class Americans who have been left behind economically and socially and in many cases are dying young. They deserve empathy, not insults…

The social fabric in many blue-collar communities has unraveled, and people are angry and frustrated.

Condescension is a losing strategy in a population of non-college-educated believers.

Where is the party of Franklin Delano Roosevelt today?

So to return to the question of David Brooks which began this blog, things have not worked out as the Democrats expected. There was no blue wave due to the changing demographics. Abortion will work as a defining issue but only up to a point. The biggest ace in the hole Democrats have is Donald Trump himself. The more off-rails the immature child with the maturity of a three-year old behaves, the more likely some people who are only now focusing of the election may decide what kind of clown is this. Do I really want to live knowing at any moment he could disrupt the communities of Springfield or Aurora? Is my community next? A few days of Trump unleashed may be just enough to push the B level candidate over the finish line despite her shortcomings and those of the Democratic Party.

He Lost By a Whisker So He Ate the Cat: A Second Debate Update

The debate line that has been lost in the chaos.

The current presidential election cycle has been and continues to be an unusual one for many reasons. Both debates have been memorable. In the first debate, one candidate lost so badly he ended up withdrawing from the race. In the second debate, one candidate also lost but instead of acknowledging his humiliation, he claimed victory, and has no suffered no consequences for his defeat. If anything, he emerged stronger.

Many words have been spilled in the analysis of the second debate, but there is still much to learn from it.


Project 25 has received a great deal of attention. People have scoured its pages as a virtual blueprint for what the former President would do if he is restored to power. Many of the planks have become talking points for the Democrats as to why not to return the former President to the White House.

Sure enough, Project 25 became a debate point raised by the Democratic candidate. Sure enough also the Republican candidate was ready with a response. He claims not to have read Project 25 and refuses to be held accountable for its contents even though his own people compiled the blueprint.

However in this instance he is telling the truth, He has not read the 900+ pages of Project 25. What is being ignored is that he is not capable of reading the report. He lacks the mental necessities to read such a report. He could not read it if it were 90 pages. He may or may not be able to read the read the report if it were 9 pages triple-spaced large font but I will hold off judgment on that.

In the NYT book review section (Sunday, September 29, 2024 print) of At War with Ourselves: My Tour of Duty in the Trump White House by H. R. McMaster, the reviewer attributes to McMaster the following insight:

Time and time again, Trump can’t seem to focus on briefings and responds to serious problems with inane suggestions.

 McMaster observes how a 13-day trip to Asia tired him and stretched his patience — and that was seven years ago.

His limited attention span has been known for decades. In “He Wasn’t a Billionaire. He Just Played One on TV (NYT September 15, 2024, print), he was limited in his mental necessities two decades ago.

Several producers remember him completely losing focus when a woman he found attractive crossed his field of vision. He would accept only the shortest of briefings. Mr. [Dan] Gill [a senior brand integration producer] said he would often have no more than four minutes to brief Mr. Trump about the sponsor before taping began.     

His current handlers undoubtedly performed yeomen work preparing debate binders for the candidate only to have their work undermined by the immature child with the emotional maturity of a child who decides to wing it.

His inability to read at an adult level is no fault of his. His brain simply is not wired that way. There is no surgery, no drugs, no therapy that can compensate for his inability to concentrate and read. If he were in school today, he would be considered “special.”


Along with his lack of reading skills is his simple-mindedness what he does hear or read. Something or someone is the greatest or the worst ever. The worst Secretary of State ever. The worst treaty ever. The worst presidential candidate ever. The worst president ever. The greatest president ever (except maybe for Lincoln.) No one has done for Black people than he has. Jews who not vote for him are traitors.

One day a grad student looking for a thesis topic will compile a list of all the greatest and worst ever usages by a person who can’t read and has limited knowledge of American history. It will be astounding to know how frequently the best of times, the worst of times, occurred precisely during this narrow window of time when he was running for president. The odds really are astronomical that so many extremes of the best and the worst could be so concentrated in time.

Now think about his answer to his favorite book in the Bible. He could not identify one. He probably does know the name of some of the books of the Bible. But if he should select one book to the exclusion of the other books, the follow-up question would be “Why?”  At that point he would be at a complete and total loss to explain why he preferred one book out of the many he had to choose from. Try giving him a list of treaties, Secretaries of State, Vice Presidents, and Presidents and asking him to rank them. Even assuming he knew who they all were, he lacks mental necessities to differentiate them. The four presidents of Mount Rushmore probably are his limit.


Numerous people have commented on how the Democratic candidate baited the MAGA candidate during the debate. One example hearkened back to the first days of his presidency in 2017. There we learned not to believe our eyes but to believe the spin about the crowd size. How could Obama have had a bigger crowd!

Crowd sizes proved important in the 2020 campaign as well. At that point he cited his crowd sizes as proof of his lager vote totals. Naturally he offered no proof of the connection between crowd size and vote totals. It simple was something his simple-mind took for granted. If his Georgia crowds exceeded Biden’s in size then he must have won the state.

That limited correlation has taken a beating this time around. In this this election, it is the Democratic candidate who has had huge crowds. For the immature child with the emotional maturity of a three year this fact in the real world was more than he could handle. Instead he resorted to temper tantrums of childish nonsense. NOBODY ATTENDS HER RALLIES. SHE HAS TO PAY PEOPLE TO ATTEND. His rallies are the best and biggest rallies of all time. No one leaves early. This is the limit of his analytical skills. He literally cannot cope with reality except through gibberish and nonsensical lies.


At times the immature child with the emotional maturity of a three-year old must be drooling in anticipation over the divine retribution he will inflict on those who have opposed him. Most of the people are politicians. They know full well that Trump will unleash his Brandons on them just as he did on January 6 against Mike Pence. They know that the full weight of the government including the IRS, Department of Justice, and whatever committees he controls will be marshaled against them. No one has any illusions about the importance or revenge to the thin-skinned wounded child.

5. Haitians Eat Cats

Of all the words spoken during the debate, the ones that will be remembered most not only for this election cycle but for American history, it is the claim that illegal Haitian immigrants are eating the beloved pets of real Americans. Here we see just a glimpse of the chaos which can ensue when the immature child has the bully pulpit. A thoughtless phrase here, another one there, and suddenly towns that are minding their own business are sulked in the Trump maelstrom. One shudders to imagine what disruptions he will cause from out of nowhere if he is returned to power.

We see now that he spiraling out of control. His insults on the mental necessities of his opponent from birth crossed the red line even for the few remaining Republicans. No gag order can be placed on him for his wild accusations. Instead it is business as usual. The more he is forced to live in Earth 1, the more unrestrained he will become until he is constantly babbling nonsense.

Despite all this, the race remains neck and neck. There is no final straw that will break the Brandon back including open fealty to Putin. The best Harris can show for all the enthusiasm, all the volunteers, all the funding and all the joy is maybe at the national level she can eke out a 3% victory in the popular vote as one would expect from a generic Democrat following 2016 and 2020. That still leaves the battleground states with their voter suppression as the sites of World War I trench warfare in the weeks to come where the ground game may make the difference…. and the Trump Court is on standby to help push him over the top. At least this time everyone knows, Election Day is not the end but only the beginning of the next round of warfare.


Before Zoom there were teenagers on the telephone (Billy Rose Theatre Division, The New York Public Library. "Bye Bye Birdie, original Broadway production" The New York Public Library Digital Collections. 1960 - 1961)

The two presidential campaigns in 2024 have two different ways of communicating. One has used a heretofore unused form of communication taking advantage of changed technologies since COVID. The other employs the same venue he used in prior presidential elections.


For Trump, the standard mode of communication continues to be the professional political wrestling arena, a format that has been the subject of multiple blogs in the past. Here the seventh-grade-smart-aleck-dumb-aleck gets to act out to his heart’s content. For the immature child with the maturity of a three-year old, it is the perfect format.

He can say and do whatever he wants without reproach.
Everyone is two-dimensional or in his childish terms, the greatest ever or the worst ever.
His fights are rigged when they occur.
He gets to insult, defame, and besmirch people in vile, disgusting, racist, and sexist manner.

What’s not to like? His Magadoons and Brandons cheer him on.

And he can always use his own twitter account.

The Wharton school graduate even gets to call tariffs a tax on foreign nations and proudly proclaim that he will be the tariff president.

So what’s the problem?

As every musician knows, tours take a toll. Trump doesn’t have the mojo he once had in 2016. Eight years older is a long time for the aged politician.

He needs fresh material. Some performers can get away with only repeating past hits. It’s hard in the professional political arena. He might think he is running against Barack Obama or Crooked Hillary but the old chestnuts of “Show me your birth certificate” and “lock her up” no longer work. Even the “forever war” is stale.” His audience has heard for years about “carnage.” How many years can he prosper off his eve of destruction mantra?


A new element to the mix is stress. Back on December 28, 2023, I wrote Rudy and the Donald: The Downward Spirals

We should not overlook the impact of stress on his life despite his “witch-hunt” bravado. While Biden may stumble now and then, Trump is the one whose mental necessities show signs of deterioration. His repeating of errors are not the signs of a “senior moment” or slip of the tongue. They are the signs of a loss of mental acuity, of a person who keeps thinking a deceased spouse is still alive or he still lives at home and not in a facility. Regardless of any normal deterioration in his mind, the constant stress of the legal cases even before a parade of Republicans start testifying against him will make Giuliani seem normal by comparison.

He is on a one-way track downhill. He can’t admit he was a failure in business. He can’t admit he was a crooked failure in business. He can’t admit he lost the election. He can’t admit he was the one who tried to steal the election. It is easier for some of his codefendants to reach plea deals. They still have a life to lead free of Trump. He has no such luxury. He is in this until the end because the alternative of facing and living the truth is a threat to entire life and self-identity. It’s no wonder the prospect of prison frightens him. One has to wonder then if it will be safe to leave him alone.

For months now, Anthony Scaramucci has predicted that the “stressed” out Trump over the indictments will drop out of race. Lately he has tempered his prediction about a pre-Iowa caucus withdrawal. The change was due to the slow pace of the cases. While it is possible he might go to jail for contempt of court in 2024, there is little likelihood that he will go to prison in 2024. Still one should not discount the impact of the constant stress due to the various cases. Think of how much he has to lose if he loses to Joe Biden again this coming November. Care to take bets on when he will start claiming rigged election this time around too?

The revival of various legal cases will only accelerate the stress. If he starts to believe that his losing the election, meaning “Delay, Delay, Delay,” ends in a little over two months then the stress will only magnify accordingly. Plus, what happens when his followers are forced to face that their Lord and Savior, the Chosen One, Blessed Be his Name admits that he lost the 2020 election? Could that admission become the October surprise of this election?


Meanwhile there is a new technology on the campaign trail: the on-line zoom call. Even before the professional campaigning began, there was the amateur hour of the zoom call. Participants are in the comfort of their home and in the comfort of the clothes they wear at home. Prepared remarks are out. Interruptions by children and pets are in. It all seems so real.

The joyful upbeat mood of the post-Biden withdrawal continued in these calls. Thanks to modern technology, the number of participants skyrocketed. “Win with Black Women” went from 150-200 people at a weekly event to 44,000. These numbers pressed Zoom’s capacity the limit. After all, who wanted to anger White Dudes for Harris which eventually exceeded the cap of over 200,000?

These online calls were part of the irrational exuberance which swept through the Democratic Party following the withdrawal of Joe Biden from the Presidential pace. In the matter of mere moments the political dynamic shifted from Magadoons measuring the drapes in the Oval Office to we have ourselves a horse race.

The question then became with all the donations and volunteers, could that happy warrior mentality be sustained through the convention and afterwards when the campaign officially begins. It is too early to tell at this point but it is important to remember that being back in the ballgame is not the same as winning it. Normally Democrats win the popular vote in presidential elections. They did in 2016 by over 3 million and in 2020 by over 7 million. Putting the battleground states aside, a margin of 50-48% or thereabouts means Harris has not yet closed the deal even on the popular vote. With the change in the national demographics since 2020, one would expect a generic Democratic candidate to do better. Running neck and neck means she has not reached the level of a generic Democratic candidate.

And let’s not forget the Tom Bradly effect. It postulates that likely voters lie to pollsters so as not to appear racist. The result is a difference between what the polls show and how people actually vote. To compound that effect, there may be a gender discrepancy as well.  We won’t know until after the votes are counted.

Finally, let’s not forget voter suppression. All the effort from the past four years may finally payoff this year with people who think they are eligible to vote finding out they are not. Again we will not know until after the votes are counted and certified.

Traditionally, Americans have been an optimistic people (Happy days are here again) and not a people of carnage. But these are not normal times. We will have a better sense of where things stand after the debate and possibly some looming judicial decisions.

Kamala Harris and Marjorie Taylor Greene: A/The Preview of the Future

The Monsters Are Everywhere (

The unsung August 11, 2020, has unexpectedly become a preview into America’s future. On that day, Jamaican-Indian female heterosexual Kamala Harris became the Vice Presidential nominee of the Democratic Party and possible next President of the United States of America after Joe Biden. Also on that day QAnon Marjorie Taylor Greene won the Republican Congressional primary runoff in the safely Republican 14th Congressional District in Georgia to the acclaim of the current President of the United States. In this blog I wish to address the role of monsters in American politics.


When you are a child, there are monsters under the bed. There are monsters in the closet. There are monsters in the bathtub drain. There are monsters that rattle windows, shake doors, and walk in attics. They are everywhere. Eventually, the child grows up. Eventually the child gains the maturity and cognitive skills to recognize that those monsters don’t exist except in the child’s mind. They are real in the world of the child, they are not real in the world of the adult. At least, not normally.

All children do not grow up. Some people remain children all their lives. Little Donnee Waney is one such example. The media persists in analyzing his actions and decisions as if he were an adult. It is as if Mary Trump never wrote anything or doesn’t know what she is talking about. If you accept that she is correct about his being a child in the body of an adult with the emotional maturity of a three-year old, then his fixation on conspiracies should be analyzed on that basis.

Now in the eighth decade of his life, he still lives in his child-world of monsters all around him. He calls them conspiracies. Sometimes he call them MS-13. On August 11, while these other events were unfolding, our Scared Child in Chief was on Hannity describing how he had saved America from monsters. His big beautiful completed wall that the media doesn’t talk about had proved itself already. “Thousands” of MS-13 had been stopped, returned to their home country, or imprisoned. The wall was working to keep America safe from the monsters that were ever threatening to invade the country. Naturally, Fox didn’t perform any fact-checking. One presumes the Trumpicans watching believed that their President and Commander in Chief was successfully hard at work protecting them. He had their loyalty, their devotion, and their vote. Hence the immovable 41% in the polls.


 Simply because he is a scared little child doesn’t automatically equate to his fears resonating with Republicans. After all, the Republicans of Reagan were not scared. Back then, which isn’t that long ago, Republicans were a Party of optimists about Morning in America, about defeating the Evil Empire, about America being a City on a Hill. Some of those Republicans are still alive today. Yet the Party now is one of Mourning in America, carnage at home, withdrawal from abroad, and no desire to be a City on a Hill or advocate of American Exceptionalism.

Something happened to intimidate them into being the scared party of stupid. That something was the Politically Correct. Year after year they preached the gospel of the invasion of the alien other who were going to take the country away from native-born whites. A minority/majority people would be become the new dominant political and cultural power in the United States. White privilege would end. White people would be sent to the back of the bus unless they were Woke in which case they would be tolerated and forgiven their trespasses of being white. If you tried with all your might, all your soul, and all your heart to deliver a message better calculated to terrorizing white people into thinking they had had no future in America, or at least, no future they would want, you could not have done a better job than the PCPs did. They were absolutely relentless in telling white people that in the years to come they would confined to the dump heap of history, powerless strangers in their own land.

The party of stupid responded by cowering in fear. The whining party of stupid desperately sought a savior who would rescue them and their country from a fate worse than death. At no point did the party of stupid fact-check the claims of the PCPs. At no point did the party of stupid challenge the prognostications of the PCPs. Instead it fell for the PCP scam hook line and sinker, curling up into a scared ball of fear. The monsters are coming. Help us take back our country. Save us.

I was reminded of this con in a recent article on the census in my local paper via the Associated Press. It stated that non-whites and Hispanic were a majority of people under the age of 16 now. The death rate non-Hispanic whites surpasses their birth rate. The number of non-Hispanic whites is declining. In 25 years, non-Hispanic whites would be a minority. On and on the article went about non-Hispanic whites as a diminishing people in the country.

What about Hispanic whites? At no point did the article mention Hispanic whites. You would think that such people didn’t exist. Correct me if I am wrong, but wasn’t Latin America settled by many people from Europe just as the United States was. Don’t people in Latin America know if a person is of European, African, local Indian, or mixed descent? Aren’t countries in Latin America culturally and politically organized based on those distinctions? Yet somehow when the people come to the United States they are all lumped together.

That tactic has worked wonders in terrorizing native-born white people. Once upon a time Germans weren’t considered to be white people and then they were. Once upon a time Irish weren’t considered to be white people and then they were. Once upon a time Italians weren’t considered to be white people and then they were. If Germans, Italians, and Irish still weren’t considered white people, think how small the percentage of white people in America would be today. Now if a German, Irish, Italian, Spanish, Cornish, etc. first goes to Latin America and their descendants come to the United States, suddenly they are no longer white again. We probably are the only country in the world where the descendants of Nazis can be classified as Hispanic.

But the party of stupid is content to let PCPs define Caucasians from outside Europe as brown people. You only have to listen or watch PCP’s gleefully forecast the impending minority status of white people to realize what the response might be. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. The reaction to the persistent PCP prophecies of decline for white people is exactly what you should expect it to have been: a desire to be saved from the PCP monster.


QAnon represents the most extreme example of the terror that has overwhelmed Republicans as  they contemplate their future. They accept as true the con the PCPs have inflicted upon them. The ultimate response is to invoke the monsters of monsters, Satan her/himself. Divine assistance is needed to thwart the nefarious plans of the hated PCP Socialists. Fortunately our Lord and Savior, the Chosen One, Blessed Be his Name, is here to do precisely that. Therefore he must be re-elected despite the rigged election against by the Deep State. He must be able to continue the fight however long it takes.


 The Republican Party as the party of Lincoln has been dead for years [R.I.P. Party of Lincoln (1856-2016) March 12, 2016]. Right now it is dedicated to becoming a third party in a two-party system where it is as irrelevant on the national level as it is on the state level in California.

Even a repeat of 2018 in 2020 would not be enough to change the trajectory. It would only leave more QAnon and Tea Party in Congress and fewer Republicans. There was no Howard Baker during the impeachment. There is no Howard Baker during the campaign. There will be no Howard Baker after the elections. It is not only that no one in White House can tell Putin’s Pence what Russia is up to; no one in the White House can tell him that the flu epidemic was in 1918/1919.


He’s not leaving the stage if when he will be thrown in prison.

As long as Lincoln remains persona non grata in the Republican Party it has no future. When Lincoln said, “Four score and seven years ago, our fathers…,” he knew that his audience included immigrants with no biological ties to 1776. Yet he included them as Americans. When George Bush the son, spoke of compassionate conservatism and received 44% of the Hispanic vote, he showed that the Lincoln option still worked. When Jeb Bush with his Mexican-American wife ran in 2016 he showed that the Republican post mortem from the 2012 election might still work. But the low-energy candidate was no match for the party that had abandoned not only Lincoln but Reagan. It wanted a candidate who played to their fears generated by the PCPs and not one who offered hope. The PCPs more than Putin were responsible for 2016 election results and now over 165,000-and-counting Americans are dead. And still the Republican Party remains the whiny party of stupid.

America Can Still Win World War IV: Harris Helps

It Looks Like the Borg Will Win but in the End the Federation Triumphs

America can still win World War IV.

America was on the winning side in World War I which may have ended due to the flu pandemic of 1917 causing no soldiers being able to fight according to the most ignorant President in American history.

America was on the winning side in World War II which may have ended after the flu pandemic of 1917 according to the most ignorant President in American history and who actually participated in a D-Day commemoration.

America was on the winning side of World War III (the Cold War) although Putin considers that loss to be the worst day in Russian history.

America could win World War III.02 if it had an adult President who was not an alpha male wannabee subordinate to alpha male Putin.

World War IV is different. China may not have the nuclear arsenal of the Soviet Union or Russia but it does have formidable economic power. It is quite focused on becoming the leader of the world befitting its heritage as the Middle Kingdom.


This blog was the first one I wrote this year on this topic. At that time, China seemed to be on a roll in its quest for world leadership…just as it is now. The blog cited various articles written about this quest and noted some problems:

1. demographics
2. world reaction to its treatment of Moslem Uighurs
3. Hong Kong’s desire to be free
4. the coronavirus.

China also was aided by the United States. It had wreak havoc with its alliances, abandoned being the City on a Hill and had no interest in being the last best hope of humanity.

The one positive note from an American point of view was soft power. The global reaction to the unexpected death of Kobe Bryant was a dramatic if tragic example that the eyes of the world still were on the United States.  The world pays attention to what is happening in America more so than it does in China.

What has happened since then?


Last August, I wrote a blog, When Will the Borg Assimilate Hong Kong?: Is Resistance Futile? At that point in time, the situation seemed fluid and it was possible to imagine a positive outcome. By this year, that optimism was silly.  Instead, the new circumstances were Borg to Hong Kong: Resistance Is Futile (Not in America), June 2, 2020. The situation now is more bleak. China is rounding up dissidents in Hong Kong the way the American authoritarian leader would love to be able to do in the United States.


What can you say about the Chinese and American handling of the coronavirus? Despite the horrid start back in February, China successfully has controlled the spread of the virus. The example of the United States is an embarrassment by contrast. America has shown the world that it is led by a simple-minded incompetent person who is out of his league in coping with the disease. For the first time in American history, other countries pity us. Yet 41% of the American public still accept the American President as their Lord and Savior, the Chosen One, Blessed Be his Name. After all, there is no coronavirus on Fox. Problem solved. Meanwhile, the world laughs at us as it quarantines us.


At first glance, one might think the murder of George Floyd and the subsequent demonstrations reflect poorly on America in the global arena. There is no doubt that Floyd and Corvid-19 have exposed an ugly underbelly of the American Dream and way of life. Nothing is hidden. Everything is revealed. The shortcomings and problems of the country are there for all the world to see.

That is exactly the point. This ugly America is also an example of America’s soft power. The ugliness is not hidden now but shown on American media and the internet which has no government firewall to prohibit it. It has sparked events in other countries as well. People in other countries would like the opportunity to protest freely. People in other countries also have issues with statues, monuments, memorials, and race. So while China is busy showing the world that it is just another authoritarian thug (with a lot of power), America has shown the world the right of the people to express themselves, rights which people in many countries do not have. America does not only mean the President of the United States, it also means the people throughout the country.


 Joe Biden’s selection of Kamala Harris to be his Vice Presidential candidate and possible successor as President is another example of America’s soft power. There is more to the country than the white racist in the White House. This is not to deny his strong support for being a bigot, but to point out for all the world to see that he does not dominate the country as if it was limited to Lafayette Square. Harris immediately connects the presidential election to two other countries: India and Jamaica. Those ancestral ties link America to the world in a way that could never happen in China. She shows that immigrants to the United States really can live the American dream. From this point forward, her very existence becomes a continually shining soft power symbol of America that China cannot match.


There is one final example of soft power that can propel the United States into a position of world leadership if the country wants it. We have the opportunity to remove our authoritarian leader. We can do what China, Russia, Iran, Venezuela and others cannot do. Furthermore we have the opportunity to do so comparatively peacefully through the democratic process. It is a shock that the United States actually has an authoritarian leader in the first place. There is no doubt that American democracy has taken a beating in the last 3+ years. There also is no doubt that the American authoritarian leader will do everything he can like any dictator in a Trumphole country to preserve his power. He may even be successful. I have written before about my doubts on whether or not the United States will celebrate its 250th birthday and with the same political boundaries it has today. Regardless of what the current polls say, it’s not over until the fat lady counts every contested ballot.

Even Steven Calabresi, co-founder of the Federalist Society, has written that the American authoritarian leader’s tweet on postponing the election “is itself grounds for the president’s immediate impeachment again by the House of Representatives and his removal by the Senate” (“Trump Wants to Postpone the Election. He Can’t,” NYT, August 1, 2020, print).  The day the Flying Monkey Attorney General indicts the Deep State should be the same day the Democrats begin the second impeachment and the removal of the Attorney General. This is not a time for the weak.

Wicked Witch of the White House Dispatching His Flying Monkeys to Secure the Election

So what does all this mean for World War IV? Right now this is the sweet spot for China just as it is for Russia. True the United States is fighting back against China but it has made no effort to regain its position as world leader. It has made no effort to mend its relationship with its nominal allies as it continues to do Putin’s bidding. All that can change in a few months. Vice Presidents are known for traveling the world although generally for funerals. Look for this one to travel the world to help Make American Great Again and regain for the United States the Number #1 position in the world.