Suppose the New York Times and Anonymous Already Plan on Going Public

Suppose the New York Times and Anonymous already plan on going public. In the past 24-hours or so, I have heard a great many people on radio and TV and I have read articles in print and on the web about Anonymous. One common comment is “Why now?” Another relates to how does this op-ed […]

The J Documentary Hypothesis

The current biblical paradigms are inadequate to reconstruct the history of early Israel and the origin of the Hebrew Bible.  In a series of recent posts, three significant developments not part of current biblical scholarship were identified related to this issue. Individually and collectively, they indicate a revision to the current paradigms is necessary. On […]

REDC’s Recreation Tourism Funding

This post is the sixth in a series on the awards granted by the Regional Economic Development Councils. The series is intended to document what actually is being done, by following the money. Empire State Development – Market New York (ESD MNY) is part of a new process applicants for state funding negotiate. ESD MNY […]

Lincoln and Immigrants

On March 15, 2016, State Senator George Latimer wrote this comment about my blog: Brilliant, Peter George Peter – On February 11, 2025, now Congressman, George Latimer, sent me this email along with the original post from March 12, 2016. Even more relevant today than when you wrote this nine years ago. George I was […]

R.I.P. Party of Lincoln (1856-2016)

On Mar 15, 2016, at 4:22 PM, State Senator George Latimer wrote this comment in response to this blog: Brilliant, Peter George On February 11, 2025, now Congressman, George Latimer, sent me this email along with the post from March 12, 2016. Even more relevant today than when you wrote this nine years ago. George […]

He Lost By a Whisker So He Ate the Cat: A Second Debate Update

The current presidential election cycle has been and continues to be an unusual one for many reasons. Both debates have been memorable. In the first debate, one candidate lost so badly he ended up withdrawing from the race. In the second debate, one candidate also lost but instead of acknowledging his humiliation, he claimed victory, […]

Albright Should Have Attended Penn

This blog is the third in a series of four on the position of William Foxwell Albright as the dean of American Biblical archaeology. The current issue of NEA includes the article “Dawn and Descent: Social Network Analysis and the ASOR Family Trees” by Diane Harris Cline, Eric H. Cline, and Rachel Hallote (NEA 87:2 […]


The two presidential campaigns in 2024 have two different ways of communicating. One has used a heretofore unused form of communication taking advantage of changed technologies since COVID. The other employs the same venue he used in prior presidential elections. PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL WRESTLING ARENA For Trump, the standard mode of communication continues to be the […]

American Revolution 250th Update

Are you counting the days? Actually, the American Revolution 250th is already here. 1774 was the year of the First Continental Congress. It was a time when colonists began to take sides for the record as rebel or loyalist. Families would be divided. Neighbor would be against neighbor. The war was underway except for the […]

If MAGAs Had Been French We Would Have Lost the American Revolution

Arms and the nation. Arms and the successful rebellion. We are now painfully aware of the necessity of an outside arms supplier to win a war. Russia, Ukraine, Hamas, and Israel all require the support of third parties to provide the munitions required to sustain and win a military confrontation. The surprise in the group […]