Digital Donny Rorschach Test: Prelude to Criminal Referrals

What was he thinking? What was he thinking on January 6?  What was he thinking with his latest con? The question of intent has and is an important one in the ongoing investigations of his criminal activities during the last days of his presidency. Fortunately, we now have expert testimony on the state of mind […]

Queen Elizabeth and the American Revolution 250th

Queen Elizabeth dominated the news for several days if not longer. For a brief moment, the world saw Great Britain at its best. We saw its palaces, churches, and chapels. We watched its processions. We witnessed its people stand patiently in astonishingly long lines for hours on end for their turn to glimpse and pay […]

Nazi Germany Was a Marxist Third-World Banana Republic … and So Are We

Please answer the following questions. 1. The documents at the home of the rightful President were __ planted by the FBI which should be defunded __ declassified and of no value __ legitimately there since the election was stolen and he is the rightful President __ all of the above 2. The United States under […]

Governor Hochul and the New York State History Community

The change in governors marks a change for the New York State history community as well. While the outgoing Governor was not hostile to history he was no friend to history either. Besides specific groups or events which piqued his interest or had a connection to him, he did not display much in interest in […]

What Will Trumpicans Do on August 14?

We are less than one week away from one of the momentous days in the history of the United States. An unprecedented event is about to occur. A sitting President will be removed from office midterm. We came close with Andrew Johnson. This time is different. You can feel the excitement mounting. You can sense […]

Historian Annette Gordon-Reed: The Culture Wars, Juneteenth, and 1/6

Nationally renowned American historian Annette Gordon-Reed has been everywhere this past year speaking out on history and the culture wars. Actually she has not been anywhere except for her home in New York City.  It just seems that way because during the COVID pandemic she has been everywhere virtually without having to leave home. That […]

Murderers’ Row: The Trump Hall of Fame

Murderers’ Row was the name for the New York Yankees in the 1920s. It was the decade dominated by the baseball team even more than the way THE DONALD dominated Lafayette Square. It was the time when Babe Ruth was at his prime and transforming the game. He led a team of all stars, some […]

Are You Suffering from TFS (Trump Fatigue Syndrome)?

Are you suffering from Trump Fatigue Syndrome (TFS)? I first asked this question back on August 28, 2019. TFS is different from Post-Trumpatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). That will happen after the election when Trumpicans have to decide whether to live in the real world or not. PTSD will be he subject of a future blog. […]

Will California or South Carolina Secede First?

Crunch time is coming. America’s Third Civil War is fast approaching the moment of truth. After weeks, months, and years of writing about it, the battle is now taking shape to determine if America continues to exist as a single country. Lincoln’s adage that a house divided cannot stand is true but not appropriate. We […]

Native American and Indigenous Studies: Another Culture Wars Episode

Earlier this year I became a member of the American Historical Association. I did so at the urging of a reader of my blog who is a member. After expressing some reluctance, I was finally persuaded to join. As part of the membership, I subsequently received The American Historical Review, the rather hefty journal of […]